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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[kliːn] брит. / амер.

  1. прил.

    1. чистый, опрятный

    2. чистый, не бывший в употреблении

    3. чистый, беспримесный

    4. чистоплотный (о людях, прирученных животных)

    5. хорошего качества, без пороков, изъянов

    6. незапятнанный, непорочный

    7. свежий, острый, тонкий (о вкусе)

    8. расчищенный

    9. гладкий, ровный

    10. крим. чистый, ни в чём не замешанный

    11. рел. чистый (о еде)

    12. незаразный (обычно о человеке)

    13. нарк. не являющийся наркоманом

    14. хорошо сложённый, привлекательный, стройный (о человеке)

    15. авиа имеющий хорошие аэродинамические свойства

    16. искусный, ловкий; проворный

    17. полный, безоговорочный

  2. гл.

      1. чистить, очищать от загрязнения

      2. чиститься, отчищаться от загрязнения

    1. потрошить (рыбу, птицу)

    2. протирать, полировать

    3. сглаживать

    4. корчевать пни

    5. авиа улучшать аэродинамические свойства

    6. увольнять нежелательного работника; подсиживать

    7. мыть золото

    8. спорт. поднимать (штангу) с помоста на грудь одним непрерывным движением

  3. сущ.

    уборка, чистка

  4. нареч.

    1. начисто

    2. ловко; хитро

    3. полностью, совершенно, совсем, начисто, напрочь

Law (En-Ru)


чистый, не содержащий оговорок

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Ejemplos de los textos

In twenty minutes more they robbed the express car of twenty-seven thousand dollars and made a clean get-away.
В течение следующих двадцати минут они забрали из денежного вагона двадцать семь тысяч долларов и исчезли бесследно.
O.Henry / Holding Up a TrainГенри, О. / Налет на поезд
Налет на поезд
Генри, О.
Holding Up a Train
At last I desired something to eat out of my own canoe; but he ordered me a chicken, and some excellent wine, and then directed that I should be put to bed in a very clean cabin.
Наконец я попросил, чтобы мне принесли чего-нибудь поесть из запасов, находившихся в моей пироге. Но капитан приказал подать мне цыпленка и отличного вина и распорядился, чтобы мне приготовили постель в очень чистой каюте.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
She used to serve Soong his noon rice, clean up and make the bed.
Обычно именно она подавала Суну его полуденный рис, убирала здесь и стелила ему постель.
Gulik, Robert van / Poets and MurderГулик, Роберт ван / Поэты и убийцы
Поэты и убийцы
Гулик, Роберт ван
© Перевод, ЗАО "Издательство "Центрполиграф", 2002
© 1968 by Robert van Gulik
Poets and Murder
Gulik, Robert van
© 1968 by Robert van Gulik
Maybe, he thought, he ought to see if he still had a clean shirt and an extra pair of socks to don before the party.
Тут ему пришло в голову, что не худо было бы проверить, найдется ли у него на вечер чистая рубашка и пара носков.
Simak, Clifford D. / The Goblin ReservationСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Заповедник гоблинов
Заповедник гоблинов
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
© Перевод, И. Гурова, 2005
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2007
The Goblin Reservation
Simak, Clifford D.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
Eric Bloom was the son of a Fundamentalist preacher who'd gone into law, specifically the D.A.'s office, to clean up the city.
Эрик Блюм, сын протестантского священника, подался в юриспруденцию, а точнее, в офис окружного прокурора, с единственной целью – очистить город от скверны.
De Lint, Charles / Someplace To Be FlyingДе Линт, Чарльз / Покинутые небеса
Покинутые небеса
Де Линт, Чарльз
Someplace To Be Flying
De Lint, Charles
© 1998 by Charles de Lint
He would have gone on playing, but the aide-de-camp put down the cards with his clean white hands and began totting up the column of chalk entries under Butler's name.
Он бы играл и еще, но адъютант с строгим лицом положил своими белыми чистыми руками карты и стал считать меловую колонну записей Бутлера.
Tolstoy, Leo / Hadji MuradТолстой, Л.Н. / Хаджи-Мурат
Толстой, Л.Н.
Hadji Murad
Tolstoy, Leo
Kitchenette spacious, clean, outfitted with every appliance from microwave to dish washer.
Просторная, удобная, чистая кухня, в которой собрано все – от микроволновки до посудомоечного агрегата.
Murakami, Haruki / Dance, dance, danceМураками, Харуки / Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Мураками, Харуки
© Haruki Murakami 1991 "Dansu, dansu, dansu"
© Дмитрий Коваленин, 2001
Dance, dance, dance
Murakami, Haruki
© 1994 by Kodansha International Ltd.
Everything she consciously felt was redolent with clean strength and good humor.
Всё, что она ощущала, было напитано чистой здоровой силой и добрым юмором.
Donaldson, Stephen R. / The One TreeДональдсон, Стивен Р. / Первое дерево
Первое дерево
Дональдсон, Стивен Р.
The One Tree
Donaldson, Stephen R.
© 1982 by Stephen R. Donaldson
Two footmen in clean white gloves swiftly and silently anticipated our faintest desires.
Два камердинера, в чистых белых перчатках, быстро и молча предупреждали наши малейшие желания.
Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman's Sketches v.1Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.1
Записки охотника т.1
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1975
A Sportsman's Sketches v.1
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
Your hair is brown and straight, and you wear it long. But you don't fuss with it other than to keep it clean and neat.
Волосы каштановые, прямые; ты носишь их распущенными, но не возишься с ними — просто причесываешь и следишь, чтобы были чистыми.
Heinlein, Robert / Time Enough For LoveХайнлайн, Роберт / Достаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса Лонга
Достаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса Лонга
Хайнлайн, Роберт
© 1973 by Robert A. Heinlein
© Перевод. Ю. Соколов, 2008
Time Enough For Love
Heinlein, Robert
© 1973 by Robert Heinlein
‘It’s very clean here, ‘ Doreen said nervously.
– Здесь слишком чисто, – встревожено пробормотала Дорин.
Pratchett, Terry / Reaper ManПратчетт,Терри / Мрачный Жнец
Мрачный Жнец
© Перевод Н. Берденников 2008
© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009
© 1991 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
Reaper Man
Pratchett, Terry
© Terry and Lyn Pratchett, 1991
They were childlike and jovial and not very clean.
Они были ребячливо веселы и не очень опрятны.
Steinbeck, John / The Pastures of HeavenСтейнбек, Джон / Райские пастбища
Райские пастбища
Стейнбек, Джон
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
The Pastures of Heaven
Steinbeck, John
© John Stainbeck, 1932
© renewed John Steinbeck, 1960
The rooms in the lodge were fairly clean, though the wall-papers were dirty.
Комнаты во флигеле были довольно чисты, но обои грязны.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1989
The possessed
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
You’ll be able to clean up.
Ты сможешь смыть грязь.
Greene, Henry Graham / The Heart of the MatterГрин, Генри Грэм / Суть дела
Суть дела
Грин, Генри Грэм
© Greene Graham, 1938, 1940, 1945
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
The Heart of the Matter
Greene, Henry Graham
© 1948 by Graham Greene
© Graham Greene, 1971
'Is Nikolai Eremyitch in the counting-house?' a loud voice was heard asking in the outer room, and a tall man, apparently angry, with an irregular but bold and expressive face, and rather clean in his dress, stepped over the threshold.
– Что, Николай Еремеев в конторе? – раздался в сенях громкий голос, и человек высокого роста, видимо рассерженный, с лицом неправильным, но выразительным и смелым, довольно опрятно одетый, шагнул через порог.
Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman's Sketches v.1Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.1
Записки охотника т.1
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1975
A Sportsman's Sketches v.1
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar

Añadir a mi diccionario

kliːnAdjetivoчистый; опрятный

Traducciones de usuarios


  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Настя Городечна


atomically clean surface
атомарно чистая поверхность
bio clean room
биологически чистое помещение
очищенный щеткой
class 100 clean room
чистое помещение класса 100
clean acceptance
безусловный акцепт
clean air
свежий воздух
clean air
чистый воздух
clean and jerk
clean and press
clean annealing
светлый отжиг
clean ballast
чистый балласт
clean ballast pump
насос чистого балласта
clean bench
рабочее место в аптеке для асептического приготовления лекарственных средств
clean bill
чистый вексель
clean bill of exchange
недокументированный вексель

Forma de la palabra


Positive degreeclean
Comparative degreecleaner
Superlative degreecleanest


Common caseclean*cleans
Possessive caseclean's*cleans'


Positive degreeclean
Comparative degreecleaner
Superlative degreecleanest


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)cleaning
Past Participle (Participle II)cleaned
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I cleanwe clean
you cleanyou clean
he/she/it cleansthey clean
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am cleaningwe are cleaning
you are cleaningyou are cleaning
he/she/it is cleaningthey are cleaning
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have cleanedwe have cleaned
you have cleanedyou have cleaned
he/she/it has cleanedthey have cleaned
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been cleaningwe have been cleaning
you have been cleaningyou have been cleaning
he/she/it has been cleaningthey have been cleaning
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I cleanedwe cleaned
you cleanedyou cleaned
he/she/it cleanedthey cleaned
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was cleaningwe were cleaning
you were cleaningyou were cleaning
he/she/it was cleaningthey were cleaning
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had cleanedwe had cleaned
you had cleanedyou had cleaned
he/she/it had cleanedthey had cleaned
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been cleaningwe had been cleaning
you had been cleaningyou had been cleaning
he/she/it had been cleaningthey had been cleaning
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will cleanwe shall/will clean
you will cleanyou will clean
he/she/it will cleanthey will clean
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be cleaningwe shall/will be cleaning
you will be cleaningyou will be cleaning
he/she/it will be cleaningthey will be cleaning
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have cleanedwe shall/will have cleaned
you will have cleanedyou will have cleaned
he/she/it will have cleanedthey will have cleaned
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been cleaningwe shall/will have been cleaning
you will have been cleaningyou will have been cleaning
he/she/it will have been cleaningthey will have been cleaning
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would cleanwe should/would clean
you would cleanyou would clean
he/she/it would cleanthey would clean
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be cleaningwe should/would be cleaning
you would be cleaningyou would be cleaning
he/she/it would be cleaningthey would be cleaning
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have cleanedwe should/would have cleaned
you would have cleanedyou would have cleaned
he/she/it would have cleanedthey would have cleaned
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been cleaningwe should/would have been cleaning
you would have been cleaningyou would have been cleaning
he/she/it would have been cleaningthey would have been cleaning
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am cleanedwe are cleaned
you are cleanedyou are cleaned
he/she/it is cleanedthey are cleaned
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being cleanedwe are being cleaned
you are being cleanedyou are being cleaned
he/she/it is being cleanedthey are being cleaned
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been cleanedwe have been cleaned
you have been cleanedyou have been cleaned
he/she/it has been cleanedthey have been cleaned
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was cleanedwe were cleaned
you were cleanedyou were cleaned
he/she/it was cleanedthey were cleaned
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being cleanedwe were being cleaned
you were being cleanedyou were being cleaned
he/she/it was being cleanedthey were being cleaned
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been cleanedwe had been cleaned
you had been cleanedyou had been cleaned
he/she/it had been cleanedthey had been cleaned
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be cleanedwe shall/will be cleaned
you will be cleanedyou will be cleaned
he/she/it will be cleanedthey will be cleaned
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been cleanedwe shall/will have been cleaned
you will have been cleanedyou will have been cleaned
he/she/it will have been cleanedthey will have been cleaned