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sem exemplosEncontrados em 2 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • dicts.lingvouniversal_en_ru.description


['tɔɪlət] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

      1. туалет, уборная

      2. унитаз

      1. = toilette

      2. туалет, наряд, костюм

    1. туалетный столик

    2. амер. гардеробная; туалетная комната

  2. гл.

      1. пользоваться туалетом

      2. помогать (кому-л., обычно ребёнку, при пользовании туалетом)

    1. совершать туалет; приводить себя в порядок

    2. наряжать, одевать

AmericanEnglish (En-Ru)


  1. унитаз м

  2. туалет м

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Exemplos de textos

You must open the middle drawer of my toilet-table and take out a little phial and a little glass you will find there,- quick!'
Откройте средний ящик моего туалетного стола, там вы найдете маленький пузырек и стаканчик. Живо!
Bronte, Charlotte / Jane EyreБронте, Шарлотта / Джен Эйр
Джен Эйр
Бронте, Шарлотта
© Издательство «Правда», 1988 г.
Jane Eyre
Bronte, Charlotte
© 2009 by Wayne Josephson
A little toilet table of inlaid wood, with brass fittings and a warped looking-glass in a tarnished frame stood in the window.
Туалетный столик из штучного дерева, с медными бляхами и кривым зеркальцем, с почернелой позолотой, стоял у окна.
Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездо
Дворянское гнездо
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1983
A House of Gentlefolk
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
The witness further stated that on a Friday evening he had been taken to the State mortuary and left there, manacled, until Sunday afternoon, surrounded by the dead bodies and with no food or drink, no washing facilities or access to a toilet.
Свидетель также заявил о том, что в пятницу вечером его доставили в государственный морг и оставили там в наручниках рядок с трупами, без пищи, воды, умывальника и туалета и забрали оттуда лишь в воскресенье вечером.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
After a moment of doubt, Laurel went quickly back to the bathroom, opened one of the windows, then took the bag from beneath the toilet and dropped it out the window.
После секундного раздумья Лорел поспешила в ванную, открыла окно, достала из-за унитаза пакет и выбросила его на улицу.
Iles, Greg / Third DegreeАйлс, Грег / Заложники страха
Заложники страха
Айлс, Грег
© ООО Издательство "АСТ-Москва", 2009
© Перевод, И. Метлицкая, 2009
© 2007 by Greg Iles
Third Degree
Iles, Greg
© 2007 by Greg Iles
Baldini opened the back room that faced the river and served partly as a storeroom, partly as a workshop and laboratory where soaps were cooked, pomades stirred, and toilet waters blended in big-bellied bottles.
Бальдини открыл заднее помещение, расположенное со стороны реки и служившее одновременно кладовой, и мастерской, и лабораторией, где варилось мыло и взбивались помады и в пузатых бутылях смешивались нюхательные жидкости.
Suskind, Patrick / Perfume. The story of a murdererЗюскинд, Патрик / Парфюмер. История одного убийцы
Парфюмер. История одного убийцы
Зюскинд, Патрик
© Э.В. Венгерова, перевод, 1999
© "Азбука-классика", 2002
© 1985 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zürich
Perfume. The story of a murderer
Suskind, Patrick
© 1986 by Alfred A. Knopf
© 1985 by Diogenes Verlag AG
Then, her toilet and levee done, she sent for her grandson.
Когда ее туалет был закончен, она послала за внуком.
Duane, Diane / Spock's WorldДуэйн, Диана / Мир Спока
Мир Спока
Дуэйн, Диана
Spock's World
Duane, Diane
© 1988 Paramount Pictures
Airport managements knew from experience that demands on toilet facilities, on the ground and in the air, increased as weather worsened.
Управляющий по опыту знал, что с ухудшением погоды возрастает потребность в туалетах и на земле и в воздухе.
Hailey, Arthur / AirportХейли, Артур / Аэропорт
Хейли, Артур
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
Hailey, Arthur
© 1968, 2000 by Arthur Hailey, Ltd.
On the contrary, she's been expecting you all the evening, and as soon as she heard you were coming she began making her toilet.”
Напротив, еще с самого вечера ожидает, и как только узнала давеча, тотчас же сделала туалет.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1989
The possessed
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
No sign that the toilet had been used, and there had been no sound of a flush as Brad sat in the office reading his paper.
И определенно не использовалась по назначению. Брэд не слышал звука спускаемой воды, когда сидел в конторке и читал газету.
King, Stephen / From A Buick 8Кинг, Стивен / Почти как "бьюик"
Почти как "бьюик"
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод. В.А. Вебер, 2003
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2004
From A Buick 8
King, Stephen
© Stephen King, 2002
It took but a minute for the first to complete her toilet.
Делаварке понадобилось не больше минуты, чтобы закончить свой туалет.
Cooper, James Fenimore / The DeerslayerКупер, Джеймс Фенимор / Зверобой, или Первая тропа войны
Зверобой, или Первая тропа войны
Купер, Джеймс Фенимор
© Издательство "Детская литература", 1974
The Deerslayer
Cooper, James Fenimore
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
using a toilet, a bath or a shower used by an infected person
Пользование туалетом, ванной или душем после человека, зараженного инфекцией
© AIDS Foundation East-West
The sink made a sucking sound, the water in the toilet bowl splashed, the toilet lid flapped open and slammed closed again as a gust of fetid air was discharged from below.
Раковина издала хлюпающий звук, вода в туалетном бачке заплескалась, крышка унитаза подскочила и захлопнулась снова, откуда-то снизу вырывался поток зловонного воздуха.
Barker, Clive / The Damnation GameБаркер, Клайв / Проклятая игра
Проклятая игра
Баркер, Клайв
© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker
© 1994, Кэдмэн
© перевод Д. Аношина
The Damnation Game
Barker, Clive
© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker
It's a four-week run—I've been cost-calculating fuel, and supplies, and the logistics of it in general—Everything from spare parts to toilet paper.
Длительность полета четыре недели. Я тут прикинул стоимость топлива, припасов, вообще всего, от запасных частей до туалетной бумаги.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / The Warrior's ApprenticeБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Ученик воина
Ученик воина
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
© перевод С. Роя, С. Курдюкова, 1995
The Warrior's Apprentice
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
On the toilet was a beautiful Venetian mirror, in a frame of silver filigree, and beside it stood a gold posset-dish to contain the night-draught.
На туалете стояло превосходное венецианское зеркало в серебряной филигранной раме, а рядом — золотая чаша на случай, если вздумалось бы ночью чего-нибудь выпить.
Scott, Walter / KenilworthСкотт, Вальтер / Кенилворт
Скотт, Вальтер
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1963
Scott, Walter
© BiblioLife, LLC
It had rolled to the far side of the toilet.
Он закатился в дальний конец кабинки, и Халид не увидел его.
Rollins, James / SubterraneanРоллинс, Джеймс / Пещера
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2008
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2008
Rollins, James
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

'tɔɪlətSubstantivoтуалет; уборная

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.


    Tradução adicionada por


flush the toilet
спустить воду в туалете
soaps, cleaners, and toilet goods
производство моющих средств и туалетных принадлежностей
toilet bag
toilet bowl
toilet bronchoscopy
лечебная бронхоскопия
toilet bronchoscopy
санация бронхов
toilet facilities
санитарно-гигиеническое оборудование для туалетов
toilet pan
toilet paper
туалетная бумага
toilet seat
сиденье унитаза
toilet set
туалетные принадлежности
toilet soap
туалетное мыло
toilet tank
смывной бачок
toilet water
туалетная вода
toilet winder
перемотный станок для туалетной бумаги

Formas de palavra


Common casetoilettoilets
Possessive casetoilet'stoilets'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)toileting
Past Participle (Participle II)toileted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I toiletwe toilet
you toiletyou toilet
he/she/it toiletsthey toilet
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am toiletingwe are toileting
you are toiletingyou are toileting
he/she/it is toiletingthey are toileting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have toiletedwe have toileted
you have toiletedyou have toileted
he/she/it has toiletedthey have toileted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been toiletingwe have been toileting
you have been toiletingyou have been toileting
he/she/it has been toiletingthey have been toileting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I toiletedwe toileted
you toiletedyou toileted
he/she/it toiletedthey toileted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was toiletingwe were toileting
you were toiletingyou were toileting
he/she/it was toiletingthey were toileting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had toiletedwe had toileted
you had toiletedyou had toileted
he/she/it had toiletedthey had toileted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been toiletingwe had been toileting
you had been toiletingyou had been toileting
he/she/it had been toiletingthey had been toileting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will toiletwe shall/will toilet
you will toiletyou will toilet
he/she/it will toiletthey will toilet
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be toiletingwe shall/will be toileting
you will be toiletingyou will be toileting
he/she/it will be toiletingthey will be toileting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have toiletedwe shall/will have toileted
you will have toiletedyou will have toileted
he/she/it will have toiletedthey will have toileted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been toiletingwe shall/will have been toileting
you will have been toiletingyou will have been toileting
he/she/it will have been toiletingthey will have been toileting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would toiletwe should/would toilet
you would toiletyou would toilet
he/she/it would toiletthey would toilet
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be toiletingwe should/would be toileting
you would be toiletingyou would be toileting
he/she/it would be toiletingthey would be toileting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have toiletedwe should/would have toileted
you would have toiletedyou would have toileted
he/she/it would have toiletedthey would have toileted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been toiletingwe should/would have been toileting
you would have been toiletingyou would have been toileting
he/she/it would have been toiletingthey would have been toileting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am toiletedwe are toileted
you are toiletedyou are toileted
he/she/it is toiletedthey are toileted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being toiletedwe are being toileted
you are being toiletedyou are being toileted
he/she/it is being toiletedthey are being toileted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been toiletedwe have been toileted
you have been toiletedyou have been toileted
he/she/it has been toiletedthey have been toileted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was toiletedwe were toileted
you were toiletedyou were toileted
he/she/it was toiletedthey were toileted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being toiletedwe were being toileted
you were being toiletedyou were being toileted
he/she/it was being toiletedthey were being toileted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been toiletedwe had been toileted
you had been toiletedyou had been toileted
he/she/it had been toiletedthey had been toileted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be toiletedwe shall/will be toileted
you will be toiletedyou will be toileted
he/she/it will be toiletedthey will be toileted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been toiletedwe shall/will have been toileted
you will have been toiletedyou will have been toileted
he/she/it will have been toiletedthey will have been toileted