deemed university
аккредитованный университет
Translator's comment
чаще всего в Индии

blanket statement
Спорное утверждение
- "Men make the best cooks."
- "That's a blanket statement!"
Example translation
- "Лучшие повара - мужчины."
- "Спорное утверждение!"
Translator's comment
A blanket statement is one that attempts to cover all situations ("like a blanket") but is actually not true in all situations. For example: "Peanuts are good for you." (For most people, they're nutritious food; but they're not good for you if you're seriously allergic to them, as some people are.) "Major sports are cancelled if it rains." (Usually yes, but not necessarily; if it's just raining lightly, the game may go on.)

Стричь всех под одну гребенку
To lump sb/smt together
Translator's comment
All the children are lumped together in one class, regardless of their ability.
People tend to lump turtles and tortoises together, when in fact they are different creatures.

navel orange
Пупочный апельсин (без косточек)

It's a stretch
"Неужели" (саркастически. Буквально: "требуется немалое воображение, чтобы в такое поверить" - "It is a stretch of the imagination to believe that")

Проще простого!
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy
Example translation
Да это проще простого!

разновидность мандарина (с легко отделяемой кожурой)

nut brittle
карамель с орехами

mateless sock
носок без пары

tube socks