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Examples from texts

During 1996 and 1997, a considerable effort was made to reduce the accounting backlog. Outstanding advances decreased by 38 % between end of 1995 and end of 1997.
In den Jahren 1996 und 1997 wurden gezielte Bestrebungen zum Abbau der Buchungsrückstände unternommen; Ende 1997 war das noch abzurechnende Vorschußvolumen gegenüber Ende 1995 um 38% zurückgegangen.
© Europäische Union, 1998-2011
© European Union, 1998-2011
Continuous rotation of the injection site within a given area may help to 59 reduce or prevent these reactions .
Das kontinuierliche Wechseln der Injektionsstelle innerhalb eines bestimmten Bereiches kann dabei helfen , diese Reaktionen zu reduzieren oder zu vermeiden .
Dopamine receptor antagonists ( e. g. some antipsychotics and antiemetics ) , phenytoin and papaverine may reduce the therapeutic effect of levodopa .
Dopaminrezeptor-Antagonisten ( z. B. einige Antipsychotika und Antiemetika ) , Phenytoin und Papaverin können die therapeutische Wirkung von Levodopa herabsetzen .
It is very important that you take this medicine exactly as your doctor tells you to get the best results and reduce the risk of side effects .
Es ist sehr wichtig , dass Sie dieses Arzneimittel immer genau nach den Anweisungen Ihres Arztes einnehmen , um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen und das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen zu verringern .
in the alternative, annul that part of the decision challenged in the remaining forms of order, and accordingly reduce the scale of the fine imposed;
hilfsweise, die Entscheidung insoweit für nichtig zu erklären, als sie mit den übrigen Klagegründen angefochten wird, und den Betrag der Geldbuße entsprechend herabzusetzen;
© Europäische Union, 1998-2011
© European Union, 1998-2011
Safe instruments reduce the infection risk for employees in the healthcare environment and improve protection for patients.
Sichere Instrumente reduzieren das Infektionsrisiko für Beschäftigte im Arbeits- und Gesundheitsdienst und verbessern den Schutz der Patienten.
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
whereas it should be ensured that accreditation schemes do not reduce competition for certification services;
Es ist darauf zu achten, daß Akkreditierungssysteme den Wettbewerb im Bereich der Zertifizierungsdienste nicht einschränken.
© Europäische Union, 1998-2011
© European Union, 1998-2011
Energy-saving tyres can make a considerable contribution to reducing energy intensity and emissions of traffic, since they reduce total energy consumption by the vehicle by up to 20 per cent.
Reifen können einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Verringerung der Energieintensität und der Emissionen des Straßenverkehrs leisten, da auf sie bis zu 20 Prozent des gesamten Energieverbrauchs eines Fahrzeuges entfallen.
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 2009
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 2009
A difference between the percentages of miscellaneous impurities may only be taken into account to reduce the weight entered in the stock records;
Eine Differenz zwischen dem jeweiligen Schwarzbesatz kann nur berücksichtigt werden, um das in der Bestandsbuchhaltung ausgewiesene Gewicht nach unten zu berichtigen;
To optimize the function and reduce the total number of texts, a text can be used several times in the application, copied and reused.
Um die Funktion zu optimieren und die Textanzahl zu minimieren, kann ein mehrfach in der Anwendung verwendeter Text kopiert und erneut benutzt werden.
©2012 Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
©2012 Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
the measures adopted to reduce the susceptible feral pig population and in particular young piglets;
Maßnahmen zur Verringerung der empfänglichen Wildschweinpopulationen und insbesondere der Frischlinge;
It can also be used to reduce breathing artifacts derived from a singer that is too close to the microphone.
Er kann aber auch eingesetzt werden, um das Atemgeräusch zu reduzieren, das hörbar wird, wenn ein Sänger sich zu nahe am Mikrofon befindet.
the aid may also act as an incentive to firms to improve on standards or to undertake further investment designed to reduce pollution from their plants.
Beihilfen können auch einen Anreizeffekt haben, insbesondere um die Unternehmen zu ermutigen, die geltenden Normen zu übertreffen oder zusätzliche Investitionen durchzuführen, um ihre Anlagen umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.
reduce the risk of damage caused by fire to the ship, its cargo and the environment;.
Verminderung der Schadensgefahr infolge eines Brandes für das Schiff, seine Ladung und die Umwelt;.
Lufthansa Passenger Airlines, Austrian Airlines and bmi all aim to reduce additional jobs as part of their cost-cutting programmes.
Sowohl Lufthansa Passage als auch Austrian Airlines und bmi streben einen im Rahmen ihrer Kostensenkungsprogramme benannten, weiteren Personalabbau an.

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reduce in price
reduce to
zurückführen auf
reducing agent
reducing agent
reducing atmosphere
reduzierende Atmosphäre
reduced rate
ermäßigter Tarif
pressure-reducing valve
pressure-reducing valve
pressure-reducing valve
reduced oil
getopptes Öl
cholesterol-reducing drug
calorie reduced
reduced fuel economy
reducing flame

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)reducing
Past Participle (Participle II)reduced
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I reducewe reduce
you reduceyou reduce
he/she/it reducesthey reduce
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am reducingwe are reducing
you are reducingyou are reducing
he/she/it is reducingthey are reducing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have reducedwe have reduced
you have reducedyou have reduced
he/she/it has reducedthey have reduced
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been reducingwe have been reducing
you have been reducingyou have been reducing
he/she/it has been reducingthey have been reducing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I reducedwe reduced
you reducedyou reduced
he/she/it reducedthey reduced
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was reducingwe were reducing
you were reducingyou were reducing
he/she/it was reducingthey were reducing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had reducedwe had reduced
you had reducedyou had reduced
he/she/it had reducedthey had reduced
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been reducingwe had been reducing
you had been reducingyou had been reducing
he/she/it had been reducingthey had been reducing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will reducewe shall/will reduce
you will reduceyou will reduce
he/she/it will reducethey will reduce
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be reducingwe shall/will be reducing
you will be reducingyou will be reducing
he/she/it will be reducingthey will be reducing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have reducedwe shall/will have reduced
you will have reducedyou will have reduced
he/she/it will have reducedthey will have reduced
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been reducingwe shall/will have been reducing
you will have been reducingyou will have been reducing
he/she/it will have been reducingthey will have been reducing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would reducewe should/would reduce
you would reduceyou would reduce
he/she/it would reducethey would reduce
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be reducingwe should/would be reducing
you would be reducingyou would be reducing
he/she/it would be reducingthey would be reducing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have reducedwe should/would have reduced
you would have reducedyou would have reduced
he/she/it would have reducedthey would have reduced
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been reducingwe should/would have been reducing
you would have been reducingyou would have been reducing
he/she/it would have been reducingthey would have been reducing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am reducedwe are reduced
you are reducedyou are reduced
he/she/it is reducedthey are reduced
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being reducedwe are being reduced
you are being reducedyou are being reduced
he/she/it is being reducedthey are being reduced
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been reducedwe have been reduced
you have been reducedyou have been reduced
he/she/it has been reducedthey have been reduced
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was reducedwe were reduced
you were reducedyou were reduced
he/she/it was reducedthey were reduced
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being reducedwe were being reduced
you were being reducedyou were being reduced
he/she/it was being reducedthey were being reduced
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been reducedwe had been reduced
you had been reducedyou had been reduced
he/she/it had been reducedthey had been reduced
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be reducedwe shall/will be reduced
you will be reducedyou will be reduced
he/she/it will be reducedthey will be reduced
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been reducedwe shall/will have been reduced
you will have been reducedyou will have been reduced
he/she/it will have been reducedthey will have been reduced