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Examples from texts
I gave a spiteful grin, which was forced, however, to KEEP UP APPEARANCES, and I turned away from her eyes.Я злобно усмехнулся, впрочем, насильно, для приличия, и отворотился от ее взгляда.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Notes from the UndergroundДостоевский, Фёдор / Записки из подпольяЗаписки из подпольяДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Наука", 1989Notes from the UndergroundDostoevsky, Fyodor© 2008 by Classic House Books
THEN I COULDN’T SEEM TO GET UP AGAIN.Мне казалось, подняться я уже не смогу.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I DON’T THINK SHE DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN THOSE LIKE YOUR FATHER AND ME WHO WERE IN AUTHORITY, CARRYING OUT OUR RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE KING AND THE LAW, AND THOSE, LIKE LUCY HERE, WHO WERE CAUGHT UP IN THE SITUATION UNWITTINGLY.”Не думаю, что она отличает таких, как ваш отец и я, — тех, кто был облечен властью и нес ответственность перед королем и законом, от таких, как Люси, — тех, кто невольно оказался вовлечен в события.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I RAN INTO MY HOUSE, STUMBLING UP THE STAIRS AND TRIPPING ON A FOOTSTOOL IN MY ROOM, EVEN THOUGH THE LAMPS WERE LIT.Я бросился в дом, едва не упал на лестнице и споткнулся о скамейку для ног у себя в комнате, несмотря на то, что лампы горели.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I FELT AS EMPTY AS IF I HAD VOMITED UP EVERYTHING I HAD EVER EATEN, BUT AT LEAST I BETRAYED NO ONE WHO COULD BE HURT BY IT.Я почувствовала себя опустошенной, словно меня вырвало всем, что я когда-либо ела, но, по крайней мере, я никого не предала.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
ON THAT NIGHT MASTER EXEGET HAD ANNOUNCED THAT, AS MY FATHER AND BROTHERS WERE ALL DEAD, I WAS TO BE RAISED UP TO BE HEIR, IGNORANT, FILTHY BEAST THAT I WAS, NO BETTER THAN A DOG, FED ON THE SCRAPS FROM THE SOLDIERS ON THE WALLS.В ту самую ночь мастер Экзегет объявил, что, поскольку мои отец и братья мертвы, Наследником Д'Арната становлюсь я — невежественное, грязное отродье, не лучше пса, подбирающего объедки за солдатами с крепостной стены.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
HE HAD GROWN UP IN FEAR, NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT HE WAS.Он вырос в страхе, не понимая, кто он на самом деле.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
SHE JUMPED UP FROM HER CHAIR. HER TONE WAS SHARP AS A RAZOR KNIFE.— Она вскочила со стула, голос ее был резок, как лезвие бритвы.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
AND I WAS SCARED THAT WHEN I GREW UP TO BE A SOLDIER, I’D END UP WITH ONLY ONE ARM OR ONE LEG OR WITH MY EYE CUT OUT LIKE THE MEN THAT CAME BACK FROM THE WAR.Еще боялся, что, когда я вырасту и стану воином, я могу лишиться руки, ноги или глаза — как многие из тех, кто вернулся с войны.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
SLOWLY, HE PUSHED HIMSELF UP AND STAGGERED FORWARD THROUGH THE HEAT SHIMMER.Медленно он поднялся и поковылял дальше в жаркое марево.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
ALREADY PASSERSBY HAD NOTICED HIM; SEVERAL KNELT AND HE RAISED THEM UP.Прохожие уже заметили его; некоторые преклоняли колени, и он поднимал их.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
HE ENDED UP DRAPED ACROSS MY LAP.Он вытянулся поперек меня.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
AH”-HE GLANCED UP, SHAKING HIS HEAD AND RAISING ONE HAND AS IF TO REFUSE TEMPTATION-“I SPEAK TOO FREELY.Ох, — он поднял глаза, встряхнул головой и махнул рукой, словно отвергая соблазн, — я слишком разговорился.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I ALWAYS WOKE UP SWEATING AND COUGHING ABOUT THE TIME MAMA STARTED TO SCREAM.В тот миг, когда мама начинала кричать, я каждый раз просыпался в поту, задыхаясь от кашля.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I RIGHTED THE CABINET AND PICKED UP THE THINGS, SETTING THEM BACK ON THE SHELVES.Я поднял шкафчик и принялся подбирать вещи, расставляя их по полкам.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
- 1.
потяг, автобус ,що у йде у велике місто
translation added by Юля Ткаченко
act up
act up
act up
act up
act up
act up
act up
плохо работать
act up
плохо себя вести
act up to one's opinions
поступать согласно своим убеждениям
add up
быть понятным
add up
иметь смысл
add up
представлять собой
add up
сводиться к
add up
add up
Word forms
Basic forms | |
Past | upped |
Imperative | up |
Present Participle (Participle I) | upping |
Past Participle (Participle II) | upped |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I up | we up |
you up | you up |
he/she/it ups | they up |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am upping | we are upping |
you are upping | you are upping |
he/she/it is upping | they are upping |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have upped | we have upped |
you have upped | you have upped |
he/she/it has upped | they have upped |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been upping | we have been upping |
you have been upping | you have been upping |
he/she/it has been upping | they have been upping |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I upped | we upped |
you upped | you upped |
he/she/it upped | they upped |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was upping | we were upping |
you were upping | you were upping |
he/she/it was upping | they were upping |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had upped | we had upped |
you had upped | you had upped |
he/she/it had upped | they had upped |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been upping | we had been upping |
you had been upping | you had been upping |
he/she/it had been upping | they had been upping |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will up | we shall/will up |
you will up | you will up |
he/she/it will up | they will up |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be upping | we shall/will be upping |
you will be upping | you will be upping |
he/she/it will be upping | they will be upping |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have upped | we shall/will have upped |
you will have upped | you will have upped |
he/she/it will have upped | they will have upped |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been upping | we shall/will have been upping |
you will have been upping | you will have been upping |
he/she/it will have been upping | they will have been upping |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would up | we should/would up |
you would up | you would up |
he/she/it would up | they would up |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be upping | we should/would be upping |
you would be upping | you would be upping |
he/she/it would be upping | they would be upping |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have upped | we should/would have upped |
you would have upped | you would have upped |
he/she/it would have upped | they would have upped |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been upping | we should/would have been upping |
you would have been upping | you would have been upping |
he/she/it would have been upping | they would have been upping |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am upped | we are upped |
you are upped | you are upped |
he/she/it is upped | they are upped |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being upped | we are being upped |
you are being upped | you are being upped |
he/she/it is being upped | they are being upped |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been upped | we have been upped |
you have been upped | you have been upped |
he/she/it has been upped | they have been upped |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was upped | we were upped |
you were upped | you were upped |
he/she/it was upped | they were upped |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being upped | we were being upped |
you were being upped | you were being upped |
he/she/it was being upped | they were being upped |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been upped | we had been upped |
you had been upped | you had been upped |
he/she/it had been upped | they had been upped |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be upped | we shall/will be upped |
you will be upped | you will be upped |
he/she/it will be upped | they will be upped |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been upped | we shall/will have been upped |
you will have been upped | you will have been upped |
he/she/it will have been upped | they will have been upped |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | up | ups |
Possessive case | up's | ups' |