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['ʧæn(ə)l] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. канал

    2. сток; сточная канава (искусственное сооружение, по которому стекает или течёт вода)

    3. пролив

    4. (the Channel)

      геогр.; = the English Channel Ла-Манш

    5. русло; фарватер; проток

    6. источник, путь; средство передачи

    7. радио, тлв. полоса частот; канал

    8. тех. жёлоб; выемка; паз, шпунт; швеллер

    9. шотл. гравий

  2. гл.

    1. проводить канал; рыть канаву

    2. направлять в определённое русло, проводить через канал

    3. стр. делать выемки, пазы

    4. служить каналом, быть медиумом, принимать сообщения (в ченнелинге)

      см. тж. channelling

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Examples from texts

At present calcium channel antagonists are used for the stroke, however, these agents have important side effects and disadvantages, such as cardiovascular effects leading to steal phenomenon of the brain.
В настоящее время при инсультах применяются антагонисты кальциевых каналов, но они имеют существенные побочные эффекты и недостатки, одним из которых является наличие сердечно-сосудистых эффектов, приводящих к «oбкpaдывaнию» мозга.
So, for example, the report on a sport forum in Kazan (including paralympic kinds of sports) from 10/23/2009 have published also the "First channel», and «NTV», and «Radio of Russia».
Так, например, отчет о спортфоруме в Казани, где в том числе упоминались и паралимпийские виды спорта от 23.10.2009 опубликовали и Первый канал, и НТВ, и Радио России.
© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
a quadrature conversion unit intended for separating the signal being received into digital sample sequences in the I channel of the receiving side and in the Q channel of the receiving side;
на приёмной стороне: блок квадратурного преобразования, предназначенный для разделения принимаемого сигнала на последовательности цифровых отсчётов канала I приёмной стороны и канала Q приёмной стороны;
Marduk used a Whirlpool semi-mix microphone, with a forty-bbc channel rejection, an 'expanding' type sense-discrimination selector, with a floating throat-slot 'passive' director.
Мардук применял микрофон «Вихрь» с сорокаканальным подавлением, селектор-дискриминатор ощущений «расширяющегося» типа был оборудован поплавковым щелегорловым «пассивным» регулятором.
Sheckley, Robert / MindswapШекли, Роберт / Обмен разумов
Обмен разумов
Шекли, Роберт
© 1966 by Robert Sheckley
© Евдокимова Н., перевод на русский язык, 2009
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
Sheckley, Robert
© 1966 by Robert Sheckley
Henry eased himself down into the hatch and looked out toward the inside keys that masked the channel.
Генри соскользнул в люк и стал смотреть на островки, маскировавшие пролив.
Hemingway, Ernest / Islands In The StreamХемингуэй, Эрнест / Острова в океане
Острова в океане
Хемингуэй, Эрнест
© Издательство "Маяк", 1977
Islands In The Stream
Hemingway, Ernest
© 1970 by Charles Scribner's Sons
© 1970 by Маrу Hemingway
In unit 11 of secondary terminal 9 formed message signal and subscribers' identifier are converted into compatible with wireless channel.
В блоке 11 вторичного оконечного устройства 9 сформированный сигнал сообщения и признака абонента преобразуют к виду, удобному для передачи по беспроводному каналу.
For a typical wireless channel, the received signal usually consists of several discrete multipath components, causing S(t) to exhibit multiple isolated peaks, sometimes referred to as fingers or returns.
Для типичного беспроводного канала полученный сигнал обычно состоит из нескольких дискретных многолучевых компонентов, приводящих к появлению изолированных пиков S(t), называемых иногда пальцами, или отраженными сигналами.
Sklar, Bernard / Digital Communications: Fundamentals and ApplicationsСкляр, Бернард / Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение
Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение
Скляр, Бернард
© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2003
© Prentice Hall PTR, 2001
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
Sklar, Bernard
Inside of the screw 13, also as well as inside of a spiral needle 12, there is a hollow channel through which air or a liquid under the certain pressure are pushed in a hollow needle with a string to push out a string from a hollow needle.
Внутри винта 13, также как и внутри спиральной иглы 12, располагается полый канал, через который в полую иглу с нитью подается под определенным давлением воздух или жидкость, которые выталкивают нить из полой иглы.
The outlet of the mechanical energy converter (8) is connected to the inlet channel (5) via the cooler (10), the receiver (11), and the compressor (12).
Выход преобразователя механической энергии (8) через холодильник (10), ресивер (11) и компрессор (12) соединён с входным каналом (S),
During this falling phase a voltage dependent K+ current becomes important as its activation by the depolarisation of the membrane has even slower kinetics than sodium channel inactivation.
Во время фазы убывания потенциала приобретает более важную роль вольтажзависимый калиевый поток, так как его активация деполяризацией мембраны происходит еще более медленно, чем инактивация натриевых каналов.
Баркер, Р.,Барази, С.,Нил, М. / Наглядная неврологияBarker, Roger,Barasi, Stephen,Neal, Michael / Neuroscience at a glance
Neuroscience at a glance
Barker, Roger,Barasi, Stephen,Neal, Michael
©1999 by Blackwell Science Ltd
Наглядная неврология
Баркер, Р.,Барази, С.,Нил, М.
© R.A. Barker, S. Barasi, M.J. Neal. Neuroscience at a glance. Second Edition, 2003
© Г.Н. Левицкий, перевод, 2005
© Издательская группа «ГЭОТАР-Медиа», 2005
Maybe they have made it out through the new channel and into the inside passage, he thought.
Может быть, они вывели ее новой протокой в пролив между островами, подумал он.
Hemingway, Ernest / Islands In The StreamХемингуэй, Эрнест / Острова в океане
Острова в океане
Хемингуэй, Эрнест
© Издательство "Маяк", 1977
Islands In The Stream
Hemingway, Ernest
© 1970 by Charles Scribner's Sons
© 1970 by Маrу Hemingway
The one white man aboard sprang: out, painter in hand, to slow it down and work into the channel.
Единственный в ней белый мужчина взял в руки фалинь и выскочил на кромку льда, чтобы замедлить ход и направить лодку в канал.
London, Jack / A daughter of the snowsЛондон, Джек / Дочь снегов
Дочь снегов
Лондон, Джек
© Издательство "Правда", 1961
A daughter of the snows
London, Jack
© 1902, Grosset & Dunlap
To fire a shot, the projectile is manually inserted into the barrel breeching, the breech block locks the barrel channel and shot is fired through the firing mechanism.
Для производства выстрела снаряд вручную вставляется в казенную часть ствола, затвор запирает канал ствола, через ударно- спусковой механизм производится выстрел.
He has trouble at first realizing he must perform for his visitors, that it's not enough to lie here and accept the apparition of them like another channel of television.
До него не сразу доходит, что он должен сам что-то изображать в угоду своим посетителям, — недостаточно просто лежать и воспринимать их появление как очередную телепрограмму.
Updike, John / Rabbit At RestАпдайк, Джон / Кролик успокоился
Кролик успокоился
Апдайк, Джон
© Перевод. Н. Роговская, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© John Updike, 1990
Rabbit At Rest
Updike, John
© 1990 by John Updike
Outputs of the first and second LPF 14.i and 15.i being the output of the i-th quadrature channel l.i are connected to the first and second inputs of the i-th value in modulus calculator 2.i.
Выходы первого и второго ФНЧ 14.i и 15.i, являющиеся выходами i-ro квадратурного канала 1 л, подключены к первому и второму входам i-ro вычислителя 2.i значения по модулю.

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User translations

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  1. 1.


    translation added by A Pilgrim


active channel
действующий канал
adaptive channel allocation
динамическое распределение каналов
adjacent channel
соседний канал
adjacent channel rejection
подавление помех от соседнего канала
adjacent-channel interference
помехи от соседнего канала
adjacent-channel response
АЧХ по соседнему каналу
adjacent-channel response
избирательность по соседнему каналу
adjacent-channel selectivity
избирательность по соседнему каналу
administered channel
управляемый канал распределения
aeronautical service channel
авиационный канал связи
air channel
вентиляционная труба
air channel
воздушный канал
air channel
вытяжная труба
вентиляционная труба

Word forms


Common casechannelchannels
Possessive casechannel'schannels'


Basic forms
Pastchanneled, channelled
Present Participle (Participle I)channeling, channelling
Past Participle (Participle II)channeled, channelled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I channelwe channel
you channelyou channel
he/she/it channelsthey channel
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am channeling, channellingwe are channeling, channelling
you are channeling, channellingyou are channeling, channelling
he/she/it is channeling, channellingthey are channeling, channelling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have channeled, channelledwe have channeled, channelled
you have channeled, channelledyou have channeled, channelled
he/she/it has channeled, channelledthey have channeled, channelled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been channeling, channellingwe have been channeling, channelling
you have been channeling, channellingyou have been channeling, channelling
he/she/it has been channeling, channellingthey have been channeling, channelling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I channeled, channelledwe channeled, channelled
you channeled, channelledyou channeled, channelled
he/she/it channeled, channelledthey channeled, channelled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was channeling, channellingwe were channeling, channelling
you were channeling, channellingyou were channeling, channelling
he/she/it was channeling, channellingthey were channeling, channelling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had channeled, channelledwe had channeled, channelled
you had channeled, channelledyou had channeled, channelled
he/she/it had channeled, channelledthey had channeled, channelled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been channeling, channellingwe had been channeling, channelling
you had been channeling, channellingyou had been channeling, channelling
he/she/it had been channeling, channellingthey had been channeling, channelling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will channelwe shall/will channel
you will channelyou will channel
he/she/it will channelthey will channel
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be channeling, channellingwe shall/will be channeling, channelling
you will be channeling, channellingyou will be channeling, channelling
he/she/it will be channeling, channellingthey will be channeling, channelling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have channeled, channelledwe shall/will have channeled, channelled
you will have channeled, channelledyou will have channeled, channelled
he/she/it will have channeled, channelledthey will have channeled, channelled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been channeling, channellingwe shall/will have been channeling, channelling
you will have been channeling, channellingyou will have been channeling, channelling
he/she/it will have been channeling, channellingthey will have been channeling, channelling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would channelwe should/would channel
you would channelyou would channel
he/she/it would channelthey would channel
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be channeling, channellingwe should/would be channeling, channelling
you would be channeling, channellingyou would be channeling, channelling
he/she/it would be channeling, channellingthey would be channeling, channelling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have channeled, channelledwe should/would have channeled, channelled
you would have channeled, channelledyou would have channeled, channelled
he/she/it would have channeled, channelledthey would have channeled, channelled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been channeling, channellingwe should/would have been channeling, channelling
you would have been channeling, channellingyou would have been channeling, channelling
he/she/it would have been channeling, channellingthey would have been channeling, channelling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am channeled, channelledwe are channeled, channelled
you are channeled, channelledyou are channeled, channelled
he/she/it is channeled, channelledthey are channeled, channelled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being channeled, channelledwe are being channeled, channelled
you are being channeled, channelledyou are being channeled, channelled
he/she/it is being channeled, channelledthey are being channeled, channelled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been channeled, channelledwe have been channeled, channelled
you have been channeled, channelledyou have been channeled, channelled
he/she/it has been channeled, channelledthey have been channeled, channelled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was channeled, channelledwe were channeled, channelled
you were channeled, channelledyou were channeled, channelled
he/she/it was channeled, channelledthey were channeled, channelled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being channeled, channelledwe were being channeled, channelled
you were being channeled, channelledyou were being channeled, channelled
he/she/it was being channeled, channelledthey were being channeled, channelled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been channeled, channelledwe had been channeled, channelled
you had been channeled, channelledyou had been channeled, channelled
he/she/it had been channeled, channelledthey had been channeled, channelled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be channeled, channelledwe shall/will be channeled, channelled
you will be channeled, channelledyou will be channeled, channelled
he/she/it will be channeled, channelledthey will be channeled, channelled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been channeled, channelledwe shall/will have been channeled, channelled
you will have been channeled, channelledyou will have been channeled, channelled
he/she/it will have been channeled, channelledthey will have been channeled, channelled