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Ольга Золочевскаяспросила перевод 4 years ago
Как перевести? (ru-en)

Когда был открыт этот магазин

Переводы пользователей (2)

  1. 1.

    When did they open this store?

    Перевод добавил •-<(||=ULY=||)>- •
    Золото ru-en
  2. 2.

    When did this store open (its doors)?

    Перевод добавил •-<(||=ULY=||)>- •
    Золото ru-en

Обсуждение (5)

•-<(||=ULY=||)>- •добавил комментарий 4 years ago

Tatiana, WHEN WAS THIS STORE OPENED sounds like a question a lawyer might ask in court. It’s far more common to ask when a store opened (intransitive) or when THEY opened a store.

•-<(||=ULY=||)>- •добавил комментарий 4 years ago

If you look at this search from Google books, there were only five hits and they all look like inquiries of some sort (except the Serbo-Croatian Textbook))): https://www.google.com/search?biw=1429&bih=939&tbm=bks&sxsrf=ACYBGNQJx4Wqc46Ft21CEHvvu8o4QIjZ2Q%3A1576073779727&ei=M_rwXeKALIS-tQWJnL-wCA&q=%22when+was+this+store+opened%22&oq=%22when+was+this+store+opened%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299k1.2271.6161.0.6758.

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