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Примеры из текстов

As a leading innovator, the sector has set itself the ambitious goal of offering CO2-efficient solutions for all models.
Als Innovationsführer hat sich die Branche das ehrgeizige Ziel gesetzt, für alle Modelle CO2-effiziente Lösungen anzubieten.
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA) 2011
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA) 2011
"It's better than what we had in Felden," said Las Bombas, leading Theo and Mickle behind the curtains screening a low platform.
»Es ist besser als das, was wir in Felden hatten«, sagte Las Bombas und führte Theo und Mickle hinter die Vorhänge, die eine niedrige Plattform abschirmten.
Alexander, Lloyd / WestmarkAlexander, Lloyd / Aufruhr in Westmark
Aufruhr in Westmark
Alexander, Lloyd
© 1981 by Lloyd Alexander
© der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe bei Arena-Verlag Georg Popp, Würzburg
Alexander, Lloyd
© Lloyd Alexander, 1981
Pierre Servais spent over 17 years in leading positions in the financial segment of the IT industry.
Pierre Servais verfügt über 17 Jahre Erfahrung in leitenden Positionen in der Finanz- und IT- Branche.
© 2011 Princeton Financial® Systems.
© 2011 Princeton Financial® Systems.
The examples show all degrees from matter with wide leading to matter set solid, i.e. with no leading at all.
Die Beispiele zeigen den Weg von reichlich durchschossenem Satz bis zum undurchschossenen Satz.
Ruder, Emil / Typography. A Manual of DesignRuder, Emil / Typographie. Ein Gestaltungslehrbuch
Typographie. Ein Gestaltungslehrbuch
Ruder, Emil
© Copyright 1967 by Arthur Niggli Ltd., Teufen AR, Switzerland
Typography. A Manual of Design
Ruder, Emil
© Copyright 1967 by Arthur Niggli Ltd., Teufen AR, Switzerland
Intrathecal administration of cytarabine may cause myelopathy and other neurologic toxicity sometimes leading to a permanent neurological deficit .
Bei intrathekaler Verabreichung wurde Cytarabin mit Myelopathie und anderer Neurotoxizität in Zusammenhang gebracht , die manchmal zu einem bleibenden neurologischen Defekt geführt haben .
This control is being presented for the first time in China - even before EMO, the leading trade fair of the machine tool industry, thus underlining the importance of the Chinese market for Siemens.
Diese Steuerung wird erstmalig - sogar noch vor der Leitmesse der Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie EMO im Herbst - in China präsentiert, was die Bedeutung des chinesischen Markts für Siemens unterstreicht.
© Siemens AG 1996-2012
© 2005 by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft München und Berlin
© Siemens AG 1996-2012
© 2004 by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft München and Berlin
Every year up to 300 leading figures from the entire automotive industry come together and join with political leaders and scientists to create the ideal platform for the exchange of information and discussion.
Hier kommen alljährlich bis zu 200 Führungspersönlichkeiten aus der gesamten Automobilindustrie zusammen und bilden mit hochrangigen Repräsentanten aus Politik und Wissenschaft die ideale Plattform zum Informationsaustausch und zur Diskussion.
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 2010
© Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) 2010
The bulk of the errors are of an administrative nature caused by inadequate knowledge of Community rules leading to the inclusion of ineligible amounts in the Member States' declarations.
Der größte Teil der Fehler ist administrativer Art und durch unzureichende Kenntnis der Gemeinschaftsvorschriften bedingt, die dazu führt, daß auch nichtzuschußfähige Beträge in die Bescheinigungen der Mitgliedstaaten aufgenommen werden.
© Europäische Union, 1998-2011
© European Union, 1998-2011
Germany is among the leading countries in the implementation of adult stem cell therapies, and several centers have already well established in this sector.
Deutschland ist in der klinischen Umsetzung von adulten Stammzelltherapien eine der führenden Nationen, und mehrere Zentren haben sich bereits auf diesem Gebiet etabliert.
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
Research leading to results which are of direct application or which may be combined with others to produce exploitable technological packages.
Forschung, die Ergebnisse erbringt, welche direkt anwendbar sind oder mit anderen Forschungsarbeiten zu nutzbaren technologischen Paketen kombiniert werden kann.
© Europäische Union, 1998-2011
© European Union, 1998-2011
In this context our market position is to our advantage: we are one of the leading German industrial insurers, and we are a prominent voice in the chorus of European market players.
An dieser Stelle kommt uns unsere Marktposition zugute: Wir sind einer der führenden deutschen Industrieversicherer, und im Konzert der europäischen Marktteilnehmer spielen wir eine bedeutende Rolle.
© Talanx 2012
© Talanx 2012
The main factors leading to the higher operating income are an increase in the electricity margin as well as the absence of the financial charge for last year's stoppage at Leibstadt nuclear power plant.
Neben der Zunahme der Elektrizitätsmarge bildet das Entfallen der finanziellen Belastung aus dem Ausfall des Kernkraftwerks Leibstadt im Vorjahr den Hauptgrund für den Zuwachs des Betriebsergebnisses.
© 2012 BKW FMB Energie AG
© 2012 BKW FMB Energie AG
Down some rickety backstreet fire escape, his feet in heavy army brogans feeling, step by step, for the iron leading downward into some basement doorway, down any old dead-end alley at all.
Hinter irgendeinem Haus die schwankende Feuerleiter hinunter, dann in einen Hausflur und in die nächstbeste Seitengasse, auch wenn es eine Sackgasse war.
Algren, Nelson / The Man with the Golden ArmAlgren, Nelson / Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm
Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm
Algren, Nelson
© 1983 by Zweitausendeins, Hamburg
© 1949 by Nelson Algren
The Man with the Golden Arm
Algren, Nelson
© 1949 by Nelson Algren, renewed 1976
We have analyzed how often leading German lay media mentioned German and English language medical journals in the course of the preceding eight years.
Vor diesem Hintergund haben wir erhoben, wie oft meinungsführende deutsche Publikumsmedien während der letzten acht Jahre wichtige deutsch- und englischsprachige medizinische Fachzeitschriften erwähnt haben.
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
© 2011 Deutsches Ärzteblatt
As often happened then, he succeeded in ingratiating himself for a time and then had to try to save himself from the Sultan's wrath by leading the life of an ascetic.
Er hat sich erst, wie es Sitte war, bei ihm eingeschmeichelt und dann später, durch eine asketische Lebensführung, vor seinem Zorn zu retten versucht.
Canetti, Elias / Crowds and PowerCanetti, Elias / Masse und Macht
Masse und Macht
Canetti, Elias
© by Claassen Verlag GmbH, Hamburg 1960
Crowds and Power
Canetti, Elias
© 1960 by Claassen Verlag, Hamburg
© 1962, 1973 by Victor Gollancz Ltd

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leading underwriter
leading pass section
leading shoe
wing leading edge
leading zero
führende Null
leading light
leading edge
leading edge
leading light
leading address
leading black
leading axle
leading edge
leading edge
leading phase
voreilende Phase

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)leading
Past Participle (Participle II)led
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I leadwe lead
you leadyou lead
he/she/it leadsthey lead
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am leadingwe are leading
you are leadingyou are leading
he/she/it is leadingthey are leading
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have ledwe have led
you have ledyou have led
he/she/it has ledthey have led
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been leadingwe have been leading
you have been leadingyou have been leading
he/she/it has been leadingthey have been leading
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I ledwe led
you ledyou led
he/she/it ledthey led
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was leadingwe were leading
you were leadingyou were leading
he/she/it was leadingthey were leading
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had ledwe had led
you had ledyou had led
he/she/it had ledthey had led
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been leadingwe had been leading
you had been leadingyou had been leading
he/she/it had been leadingthey had been leading
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will leadwe shall/will lead
you will leadyou will lead
he/she/it will leadthey will lead
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be leadingwe shall/will be leading
you will be leadingyou will be leading
he/she/it will be leadingthey will be leading
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have ledwe shall/will have led
you will have ledyou will have led
he/she/it will have ledthey will have led
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been leadingwe shall/will have been leading
you will have been leadingyou will have been leading
he/she/it will have been leadingthey will have been leading
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would leadwe should/would lead
you would leadyou would lead
he/she/it would leadthey would lead
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be leadingwe should/would be leading
you would be leadingyou would be leading
he/she/it would be leadingthey would be leading
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have ledwe should/would have led
you would have ledyou would have led
he/she/it would have ledthey would have led
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been leadingwe should/would have been leading
you would have been leadingyou would have been leading
he/she/it would have been leadingthey would have been leading
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am ledwe are led
you are ledyou are led
he/she/it is ledthey are led
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being ledwe are being led
you are being ledyou are being led
he/she/it is being ledthey are being led
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been ledwe have been led
you have been ledyou have been led
he/she/it has been ledthey have been led
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was ledwe were led
you were ledyou were led
he/she/it was ledthey were led
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being ledwe were being led
you were being ledyou were being led
he/she/it was being ledthey were being led
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been ledwe had been led
you had been ledyou had been led
he/she/it had been ledthey had been led
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be ledwe shall/will be led
you will be ledyou will be led
he/she/it will be ledthey will be led
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been ledwe shall/will have been led
you will have been ledyou will have been led
he/she/it will have been ledthey will have been led


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)leading
Past Participle (Participle II)leaded
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I leadwe lead
you leadyou lead
he/she/it leadsthey lead
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am leadingwe are leading
you are leadingyou are leading
he/she/it is leadingthey are leading
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have leadedwe have leaded
you have leadedyou have leaded
he/she/it has leadedthey have leaded
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been leadingwe have been leading
you have been leadingyou have been leading
he/she/it has been leadingthey have been leading
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I leadedwe leaded
you leadedyou leaded
he/she/it leadedthey leaded
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was leadingwe were leading
you were leadingyou were leading
he/she/it was leadingthey were leading
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had leadedwe had leaded
you had leadedyou had leaded
he/she/it had leadedthey had leaded
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been leadingwe had been leading
you had been leadingyou had been leading
he/she/it had been leadingthey had been leading
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will leadwe shall/will lead
you will leadyou will lead
he/she/it will leadthey will lead
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be leadingwe shall/will be leading
you will be leadingyou will be leading
he/she/it will be leadingthey will be leading
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have leadedwe shall/will have leaded
you will have leadedyou will have leaded
he/she/it will have leadedthey will have leaded
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been leadingwe shall/will have been leading
you will have been leadingyou will have been leading
he/she/it will have been leadingthey will have been leading
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would leadwe should/would lead
you would leadyou would lead
he/she/it would leadthey would lead
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be leadingwe should/would be leading
you would be leadingyou would be leading
he/she/it would be leadingthey would be leading
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have leadedwe should/would have leaded
you would have leadedyou would have leaded
he/she/it would have leadedthey would have leaded
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been leadingwe should/would have been leading
you would have been leadingyou would have been leading
he/she/it would have been leadingthey would have been leading
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am leadedwe are leaded
you are leadedyou are leaded
he/she/it is leadedthey are leaded
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being leadedwe are being leaded
you are being leadedyou are being leaded
he/she/it is being leadedthey are being leaded
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been leadedwe have been leaded
you have been leadedyou have been leaded
he/she/it has been leadedthey have been leaded
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was leadedwe were leaded
you were leadedyou were leaded
he/she/it was leadedthey were leaded
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being leadedwe were being leaded
you were being leadedyou were being leaded
he/she/it was being leadedthey were being leaded
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been leadedwe had been leaded
you had been leadedyou had been leaded
he/she/it had been leadedthey had been leaded
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be leadedwe shall/will be leaded
you will be leadedyou will be leaded
he/she/it will be leadedthey will be leaded
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been leadedwe shall/will have been leaded
you will have been leadedyou will have been leaded
he/she/it will have been leadedthey will have been leaded


Common caseleading*leadings
Possessive caseleading's*leadings'