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без примеровНайдено в 8 словарях

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  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.


[ə'kauntɪŋ] брит. / амер.


  1. бухгалтерское дело

  2. (финансовые) отчёты; отчётность; ведение бухгалтерских книг

  3. расчёт, калькуляция

Law (En-Ru)


  1. составление или представление отчётности

  2. бухгалтерское дело; бухгалтерский учёт

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тематические словари

Примеры из текстов

Does the effectiveness of EVA depend on accurate measures of accounting income and assets?
Зависит ли экономическая добавленная стоимость от точности бухгалтерского определения прибыли и активов?
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов
Принципы корпоративных финансов
Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт
© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004
Principles of Corporate Finance
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart
© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003
Amount of the fund in monetary terms on the date of termination of the accounting period, thousand rubles: 500
Размер фонда в денежном выражении на дату окончания отчетного периода, тыс. руб.: 500
© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centre
© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»
by memo to accounting report of OAO NK Yukos for 2000, consisting of data on subsidiaries and organizations dependant on the Company, on the participation of the Company in other legal entities by the results of 2000 financial year.
пояснительной запиской к годовой бухгалтерской отчетности ОАО «НК «ЮКОС» за 2000 г., где указаны сведения о дочерних и зависимых организациях ОАО «НК «ЮКОС» и об участии ОАО «НК «ЮКОС» в других юридических лицах по итогам 2000 финансового года.
© ПРЕССЦЕНТР Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева, 2011
© 2011 The International Legal Team of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev
'H'm!' said Torpenhow, 'can't say I care for Verestchagin-and-water myself, but there's no accounting for tastes.
— Хм! — промычал Торпенгоу. — Не могу сказать, чтобы я был большим поклонником Верещагина, но о вкусах не спорят.
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / The Light That FailedКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / Свет погас
Свет погас
Киплинг, Джозеф Редьярд
© "Издательство П. П. Сойкина", 1915
The Light That Failed
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
© 2011 by Victorian Secrets
We have audited the accounting (financial) statements for 2008 attached to this Auditor's Opinion of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").
Мы провели аудит прилагаемой к настоящему Аудиторскому заключению бухгалтерской (финансовой) отчетности Открытого акционерного общества "Межрегиональная распределительная сетевая компания Центра" (далее - "Общество") за 2008 год.
© 2010 JSC "IDGC Holding"
© 2010 ОАО "Холдинг МРСК"
Gazprom is one of the most highly taxed companies in Russia, accounting for about 25% of federal tax receipts.
ОАО «Газпром» является одним из самых высоко налогооблагаемых предприятий России: выплачиваемые «Газпромом» налоги составляют четверть государственных доходов от налогообложения.
© 2010 OECD/IEA
© 2010 OECD/IEA
Key news of the Company for the accounting period:
Ключевые новости Общества в отчетном квартале:
© IDGC of the South
© МРСК Юга
heads and employees of all services and divisions, who are responsible for prompt and grounded development, review and submission of the reference data to subdivisions-performers (including accounting department);
руководители и работники всех служб и отделов, отвечающие за своевременную и обоснованную разработку, пересмотр и доведение нормативно-справочной информации до подразделений-исполнителей (включая бухгалтерскую службу);
© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centre
© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»
The financial statements of the subsidiary companies listed above have not been consolidated into those of the Bank in accordance with the Bank's accounting policies.
Финансовая отчетность вышеприведенных дочерних компаний не консолидирована в настоящей финансовой отчетности в соответствии с учетной политикой Банка.
Throughout the accounting period OAO Kuzbassenergo had a stable financial position."
На протяжении всего отчетного периода ОАО «Кузбассэнерго» имело устойчивое финансовое положение».
© 2005-2011 JSC "Kuzbassenergo"
In Russia no official accounting of residential areas, occupied by non-official building, is carried out.
В российской практике не ведется официального учета площади жилых зон, занятых неофициальными постройками.
© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
Similarly, for a bit field indicating printer status, bitFlag is a more computerish name than printerReady. In an accounting application, calcVal is more computerish than sum.
В случае битового поля, определяющего статус принтера, имя bitFlag более компьютеризировано, чем printerReady, а в случае приложения бухгалтерского учета calcVal более компьютеризировано, чем sum.
McConnell, Steve / Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionМакконнелл, Стив / Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспечения
Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспечения
Макконнелл, Стив
© Перевод на русский язык, Microsoft Corporation, 2004
© Оригинальное издание на английском языке, Steven С. McConnell, 2004
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
McConnell, Steve
© 2004 by Steven С. McConnell
However, this level of detail would exceed by far what most organizations consider practical and adequate for their own accounting purposes.
Однако такой уровень детализации намного превысил бы тот, который большинство организаций считают практичным и адекватным для своих целей отчетности.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
In preparing this interim financial information, the Group has applied the same accounting policies and methods of computation as those applied in the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2009.
При подготовке данной промежуточной финансовой информации Группой применялись те же принципы учетной политики и методы расчетов, что и при подготовке консолидированной финансовой отчетности Группы за год, закончившийся 31 декабря 2009 г.
© AO «Народный Банк Казахстана»
© 2011 JSC Halyk Bank
For accounting year
За отчетный год
© 2010 JSC "IDGC Holding"
© 2010 ОАО "Холдинг МРСК"

Добавить в мой словарь

ə'kauntɪŋСуществительноебухгалтерское дело

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.

    ведение бухгалтерского учета

    Перевод добавил Alexander Аkimov
    Золото ru-en
  2. 2.

    бухгалтерская финансовая отчетность

    Перевод добавил Валерий Коротоношко
    Золото ru-en
  3. 3.


    Перевод добавил Oleg A


accounting aggregates
совокупные показатели счетов
accounting card
учетная карта
accounting changes
изменения в учете
accounting check
бухгалтерский контроль
accounting control
бухгалтерская проверка
accounting credits
расчетные кредиты
accounting cycle
периодичность учета
accounting department
главная бухгалтерия
accounting device
счетное устройство
accounting division
бухгалтерский отдел
accounting equation
бухгалтерская сбалансированность дебета и кредита
accounting estimate
предварительный учет
accounting file
учетный файл
accounting firm
бухгалтерская фирма
accounting form
расчетная карточка

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)accounting
Past Participle (Participle II)accounted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I accountwe account
you accountyou account
he/she/it accountsthey account
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am accountingwe are accounting
you are accountingyou are accounting
he/she/it is accountingthey are accounting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have accountedwe have accounted
you have accountedyou have accounted
he/she/it has accountedthey have accounted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been accountingwe have been accounting
you have been accountingyou have been accounting
he/she/it has been accountingthey have been accounting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I accountedwe accounted
you accountedyou accounted
he/she/it accountedthey accounted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was accountingwe were accounting
you were accountingyou were accounting
he/she/it was accountingthey were accounting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had accountedwe had accounted
you had accountedyou had accounted
he/she/it had accountedthey had accounted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been accountingwe had been accounting
you had been accountingyou had been accounting
he/she/it had been accountingthey had been accounting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will accountwe shall/will account
you will accountyou will account
he/she/it will accountthey will account
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be accountingwe shall/will be accounting
you will be accountingyou will be accounting
he/she/it will be accountingthey will be accounting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have accountedwe shall/will have accounted
you will have accountedyou will have accounted
he/she/it will have accountedthey will have accounted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been accountingwe shall/will have been accounting
you will have been accountingyou will have been accounting
he/she/it will have been accountingthey will have been accounting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would accountwe should/would account
you would accountyou would account
he/she/it would accountthey would account
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be accountingwe should/would be accounting
you would be accountingyou would be accounting
he/she/it would be accountingthey would be accounting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have accountedwe should/would have accounted
you would have accountedyou would have accounted
he/she/it would have accountedthey would have accounted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been accountingwe should/would have been accounting
you would have been accountingyou would have been accounting
he/she/it would have been accountingthey would have been accounting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am accountedwe are accounted
you are accountedyou are accounted
he/she/it is accountedthey are accounted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being accountedwe are being accounted
you are being accountedyou are being accounted
he/she/it is being accountedthey are being accounted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been accountedwe have been accounted
you have been accountedyou have been accounted
he/she/it has been accountedthey have been accounted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was accountedwe were accounted
you were accountedyou were accounted
he/she/it was accountedthey were accounted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being accountedwe were being accounted
you were being accountedyou were being accounted
he/she/it was being accountedthey were being accounted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been accountedwe had been accounted
you had been accountedyou had been accounted
he/she/it had been accountedthey had been accounted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be accountedwe shall/will be accounted
you will be accountedyou will be accounted
he/she/it will be accountedthey will be accounted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been accountedwe shall/will have been accounted
you will have been accountedyou will have been accounted
he/she/it will have been accountedthey will have been accounted


Common caseaccountingaccountings
Possessive caseaccounting'saccountings'