без примеровНайдено в 3 словарях
Общая лексика- Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.
- Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.
включая, в том числе
Biology (En-Ru)
включающий; заключающий
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тематические словари
Примеры из текстов
So, for example, the report on a sport forum in Kazan (including paralympic kinds of sports) from 10/23/2009 have published also the "First channel», and «NTV», and «Radio of Russia».Так, например, отчет о спортфоруме в Казани, где в том числе упоминались и паралимпийские виды спорта от 23.10.2009 опубликовали и Первый канал, и НТВ, и Радио России.© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
Good debuggers allow full examination of data, including structured and dynamically allocated data.Хорошие отладчики позволяют полностью исследовать данные, в том числе структурированные и динамически выделенные.McConnell, Steve / Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionМакконнелл, Стив / Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияСовершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияМакконнелл, Стив© Перевод на русский язык, Microsoft Corporation, 2004© Оригинальное издание на английском языке, Steven С. McConnell, 2004Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionMcConnell, Steve© 2004 by Steven С. McConnell
Russia plans to join the WTO in 2005-2006, and after its accession it will rise the gas prices it charges to CIS countries, including Belarus.Россия планирует вступить в ВТО в 2006 гг., и после этого она должна будет повысить цену газа для стран СНГ, в т.ч. для Беларуси.© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012http://research.by/ 12/14/2011© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012http://research.by/ 12/14/2011
Whenever your customer, your boss, or you are tempted to change the system, estimate the time it would take to make the change, including review of the code for the change and retesting the whole system.Каждый раз, когда ваш заказчик, босс или вы сами намерены изменить систему, оценивайте время, необходимое на внесение изменения, включая рецензирование кода этого изменения и повторное тестирование всей системы.McConnell, Steve / Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionМакконнелл, Стив / Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияСовершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияМакконнелл, Стив© Перевод на русский язык, Microsoft Corporation, 2004© Оригинальное издание на английском языке, Steven С. McConnell, 2004Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionMcConnell, Steve© 2004 by Steven С. McConnell
Table 18.1 presents summary statistics on all three measures of the price earnings ratio starting with the mean and the standard deviation, and including the median, 10th and 90th percentile values.В таблице 18.1 представлены обобщенные статистические данные по всем трем показателям мультипликатора «цена/прибыль», начиная от средних значений и стандартного отклонения и включая медианные, 10- и 90-процентильные значения.Damodaran, Aswath / Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any AssetДамодаран, Асват / Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активовИнвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активовДамодаран, Асват© Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2004, перевод, оформление© 2002 by Aswath DamodaranInvestment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any AssetDamodaran, Aswath© 2002 by Aswath Damodaran
The corresponding act was signed today, on November 12, by the commission including representatives of "IDGC Holding", JSC, Rostekhnadzor and the Systems Operator.Соответствующий акт подписала сегодня, 12 ноября, комиссия, в состав которой вошли представители ОАО «Холдинг МРСК», Ростехнадзора и Системного оператора.© IDGC of the Southhttp://en.mrsk-yuga.ru/ 12/15/2011© МРСК Югаhttp://en.mrsk-yuga.ru/ 12/15/2011
Performs organizational, informational and documentary support of the activity of the Committee either in connection with preparation and holding of meetings, so within the period between meeting of the Committee, including:Осуществляет организационное, информационное и документарное обеспечение деятельности Комитета как в связи с подготовкой и проведением заседаний, так и в период между заседаниями Комитета, в том числе:© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»http://www.holding-mrsk.ru/ 11/8/2011© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centrehttp://www.holding-mrsk.ru/ 11/8/2011
The way you design your firewall depends on several factors, including the degree of security necessary for your site as well as your budget.Архитектура межсетевого экрана зависит от нескольких факторов, в том числе от необходимой степени безопасности и выделенного финансирования.Ogletree, Terry William / Practical FirewallsОглтри, Терри Вильям / Firewalls. Практическое применение межсетевых экрановFirewalls. Практическое применение межсетевых экрановОглтри, Терри Вильям© by Que© Перевод на русский язык, оформление ДМК Пресс, 2001Practical FirewallsOgletree, Terry William
Order Theory, including finite posets and lattices, matroids, and existence results such as Hall's and Ramsey's;Теорию порядка, включающую конечные упорядоченные множества и решетки, матроиды и теоремы существования, такие, как теоремы Холла и Рамсея.Aigner, Martin / Combinatorial TheoryАйгнер, Мартин / Комбинаторная теорияКомбинаторная теорияАйгнер, Мартин© 1979 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1982Combinatorial TheoryAigner, Martin© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1997
As part of this assessment work, detailed impact assessments including quantification of impacts through modelling and monitoring was executed.Как часть этой работы по оценке были проведены детальные оценки воздействий, включая количественную оценку через моделирование и мониторинг.© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006www.sakhalinenergy.com 06.10.2011© Sakhalin Energy 2006www.sakhalinenergy.com 06.10.2011
The Group felt, however, that efforts should be made to strengthen Interpol and other existing international organizations (including the World Customs Organization) rather than creating a new international institution;Вместе с тем Группа склонна считать, что следует предпринимать усилия по укреплению Интерпола и других уже существующих международных организаций (включая Всемирную таможенную организацию), а не создавать новое международное учреждение;© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 04.10.2010© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 04.10.2010
The invention implementing programs or parts thereof can be stored on various kinds of computer-readable information media including optical disks, hard disk drives, tapes, programmable read-only memory microchips and some others.Программы, осуществляющие изобретение или его части, могут храниться на разных видах носителей информации, считываемой компьютером, включая оптические диски, накопители на жестких дисках, ленты, микросхемы программируемой постоянной памяти и другие.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011
Kenya’s commitment to the elimination of the use of landmines is demonstrated in the active role it has played in the implementation of the Convention in the subregion, including through mine-clearance efforts in the Horn of Africa.Кения демонстрирует приверженность делу запрещения применения наземных мин, принимая активное участие в осуществлении этой Конвенции в нашем субрегионе, включая усилия по разминированию на Африканском Роге.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 09.07.2010© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 09.07.2010
There were other police hovers there, including a squat black coroner's hover.Рядом стояли полицейские ховеры, среди которых был и черный ховер коронера.Saintcrow, Lilith / Dead Man RisingСэйнткроу, Лилит / Возвращение мертвецаВозвращение мертвецаСэйнткроу, Лилит© Перевод. С. Теремязева, 2009© Издание на руском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009© 2006 by Lilith SaintcrowDead Man RisingSaintcrow, Lilith© 2006 by Lilith Saintcrow
Переводы пользователей
Часть речи не указана
- 1.
в том числе
Перевод добавила Татьяна Каширина - 2.
Перевод добавил Sergey KudinovБронза en-ru - 3.
Перевод добавил Nazgul Shabanova
including dividend
включая дивиденд
including everything
включая все
up to and including date
до определенной даты включительно
including particular average
включая частную аварию
including but not limited to
в том числе включая
including water discharge overboard
с отводом воды за борт
including but not limited
включая, но не ограничиваясь
including but not limited to
включая, но не ограничиваясь
all of us, including me
все мы, в том числе и я
including loading
включая погрузку
including, but not limited to
в том числе, но не исключительно
including but not limited to
включая, в частности
Ad Hoc Expert Group on More Effective Forms of International Cooperation against Transnational Crime, including Environmental Crime
Специальная группа экспертов по более эффективным формам международного сотрудничества в борьбе с транснациональной преступностью, включая экологические преступления
Special Rapporteur on the human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers and settlements
Специальный докладчик по вопросу о связанных с правами человека аспектах перемещения населения, включая размещение поселенцев и создание поселений
Group of Governmental Experts on Verification in All its Aspects, including the Role of the United Nations in the Field of Verification
Группа правительственных экспертов по контролю во всех его аспектах, включая роль Организации Объединенных Наций в области контроля
Формы слова
Basic forms | |
Past | included |
Imperative | include |
Present Participle (Participle I) | including |
Past Participle (Participle II) | included |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I include | we include |
you include | you include |
he/she/it includes | they include |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am including | we are including |
you are including | you are including |
he/she/it is including | they are including |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have included | we have included |
you have included | you have included |
he/she/it has included | they have included |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been including | we have been including |
you have been including | you have been including |
he/she/it has been including | they have been including |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I included | we included |
you included | you included |
he/she/it included | they included |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was including | we were including |
you were including | you were including |
he/she/it was including | they were including |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had included | we had included |
you had included | you had included |
he/she/it had included | they had included |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been including | we had been including |
you had been including | you had been including |
he/she/it had been including | they had been including |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will include | we shall/will include |
you will include | you will include |
he/she/it will include | they will include |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be including | we shall/will be including |
you will be including | you will be including |
he/she/it will be including | they will be including |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have included | we shall/will have included |
you will have included | you will have included |
he/she/it will have included | they will have included |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been including | we shall/will have been including |
you will have been including | you will have been including |
he/she/it will have been including | they will have been including |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would include | we should/would include |
you would include | you would include |
he/she/it would include | they would include |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be including | we should/would be including |
you would be including | you would be including |
he/she/it would be including | they would be including |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have included | we should/would have included |
you would have included | you would have included |
he/she/it would have included | they would have included |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been including | we should/would have been including |
you would have been including | you would have been including |
he/she/it would have been including | they would have been including |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am included | we are included |
you are included | you are included |
he/she/it is included | they are included |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being included | we are being included |
you are being included | you are being included |
he/she/it is being included | they are being included |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been included | we have been included |
you have been included | you have been included |
he/she/it has been included | they have been included |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was included | we were included |
you were included | you were included |
he/she/it was included | they were included |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being included | we were being included |
you were being included | you were being included |
he/she/it was being included | they were being included |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been included | we had been included |
you had been included | you had been included |
he/she/it had been included | they had been included |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be included | we shall/will be included |
you will be included | you will be included |
he/she/it will be included | they will be included |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been included | we shall/will have been included |
you will have been included | you will have been included |
he/she/it will have been included | they will have been included |