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без примеровНайдено в 1 словаре

Общая лексика
  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.




    1. кайма, край

    2. подол (юбки)

  1. юбочная ткань

  2. стр.

    1. плинтус, бортик

    2. материал для изготовления плинтусов

Примеры из текстов

This meant skirting fences, climbing over hurdles, and crossing other people's back-yards, where everyone he met knew him and greeted him.
Задами значило почти без дорог, вдоль пустынных заборов, перелезая иногда даже через чужие плетни, минуя чужие дворы, где впрочем всякий-то его знал и все с ним здоровались.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Pyotr Stepanovitch walked off alone, going round by the farther side of the pond, skirting the park.
Петр Степанович отправился один, взяв обходом по ту сторону прудов мимо парка.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1989
The possessed
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
They're both skirting the issue: can the Japanese establish a luxury image?
И те и другие попросту уходят от ключевого вопроса: по плечу ли японцам создать свой оригинальный образ машины класса люкс?
Updike, John / Rabbit At RestАпдайк, Джон / Кролик успокоился
Кролик успокоился
Апдайк, Джон
© Перевод. Н. Роговская, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© John Updike, 1990
Rabbit At Rest
Updike, John
© 1990 by John Updike
Clay thought he continued seeing movement long after his rational mind told him that Jordan must be gone, skirting the edge of the massive flock.
Клай думал, что видит движение в темноте и после того, как стало понятно, что Джордан исчез, огибая край поля, занятого стадом.
King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / Мобильник
Кинг, Стивен
King, Stephen
© 2006 by Stephen King
The gig once more rolled along the road skirting the Paradou's interminable wall.
Между тем кабриолет снова покатился по разбитой дороге вдоль бесконечной стены Параду.
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
The lad was suspended, as it were, over a ravine skirting the graveyard, at the bottom of which flowed the Mascle, a mountain torrent whose crystal waters plunged into the Viorne, six miles away.
Монах из ордена христианских школ крепко держал мальчишку за ухо, и тот словно повис над тянувшимся вдоль кладбища оврагом, по дну которого бежал Маскль – прозрачный ручей, впадавший в двух лье от селения в Вьорну.
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
In 1995, amid much fanfare, a new rail link between Turkmenistan and Iran was opened, making it feasible for Europe to trade with Central Asia by rail, skirting Russia altogether.
В 1995 году под громкие звуки фанфар открыли новую железнодорожную линию, связавшую Туркменистан и Иран, что позволило Европе торговать со Средней Азией, пользуясь железнодорожным транспортом в обход территории России.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew / The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and Its Geostrategic ImperativesБжезинский, Збигнев / Великая шахматная доска (Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы)
Великая шахматная доска (Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы)
Бжезинский, Збигнев
© 1997, Збигнев Бжезинский
© Перевод О. Ю. Уральской, 1998
The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
© 1997 by Zbigniew Brzezinski
A crowd of silent men came running out of the blue-grey mist, skirting the observation point on both sides.
Из сизого тумана молча бежала толпа, обтекая наблюдательный пункт с обеих сторон.
Акунин, Борис / Турецкий ГамбитAkunin, Boris / Turkish Gambit
Turkish Gambit
Akunin, Boris
© Boris Akunin 1998
© Andrew Bromfield, translation
Турецкий Гамбит
Акунин, Борис
© Copyright Борис Акунин
Almost nil, but he hurried forward, skirting the heat of the blaze, and the closer he got the more it looked like a person.
От них почти ничего не осталось, но чем ближе он подходил, прикрываясь от палящего жара, тем больше они походили на человека.
Wilson, Paul Francis / HostsВилсон, Пол Фрэнсис / Пожиратели сознания
Пожиратели сознания
Вилсон, Пол Фрэнсис
Wilson, Paul Francis
© 2001 by F. Paul Wilson
In the heart of this cluster of huts; and skirting the river, which its upper stories overhung; stood a large building, formerly used as a manufactory of some kind.
В центре этой кучки лачуг, у самой реки, так что верхние этажи нависали над ней, возвышалось большое строение, бывшее прежде фабрикой.
Диккенс, Чарльз / Приключения Оливера ТвистаDickens, Charles / Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles
© 1990 by Random House, Inc.
Приключения Оливера Твиста
Диккенс, Чарльз
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1958
His wheels blurred as he spun and swept in a quick half-circle, skirting Sylvester’s rushing charge and heading for the door.
Его колеса бешено закрутились, и, ловко обогнув прыгнувшего Сильвестра, он ринулся к двери.
Simak, Clifford D. / The Goblin ReservationСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Заповедник гоблинов
Заповедник гоблинов
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
© Перевод, И. Гурова, 2005
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2007
The Goblin Reservation
Simak, Clifford D.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
In what seemed an instant, they suddenly plunged into the city, leaping over fences, skirting poles, and flying past buildings with bewildering speed.
Неожиданно, словно бы за один миг, они ворвались в город, перепрыгивая через изгороди, огибая столбы, с ошеломляющей скоростью пролетая мимо зданий.
Goodkind, Terry / The pillars of creationГудкайнд, Терри / Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения
Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения
Гудкайнд, Терри
© Теrry Goodkind, 2001
© Перевод Н.Романецкий, 2003
© ООО "Издательство ACT", 2003
The pillars of creation
Goodkind, Terry
© 2001 by Теrry Goodkind
“Yes, well, she must need a skirt for something specific, but it’s scarves that’s she’s really into.
– Да, ей, конечно, может в том или ином случае потребоваться юбка, но по-настоящему она любит шарфы.
Weisberger, Lauren / Devil Wears PradaВайсбергер, Лорен / Дьявол носит "Prada"
Дьявол носит "Prada"
Вайсбергер, Лорен
© Lauren Weisberger, 2002
© 2006 Fox "Devil Wears Prada" TM © All Rights Reserved
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
Devil Wears Prada
Weisberger, Lauren
© 2003 by Lauren Weisberger
Every time I pass within a block of her, she yells, whistles, hitches up her skirt."
Теперь каждый раз, когда я прохожу на расстоянии квартала от нее, она кричит, свистит, задирает юбку.
Cornwell, Patricia / All That RemainsКорнуэлл, Патриция / Всё, что остаётся
Всё, что остаётся
Корнуэлл, Патриция
© 1992, Патриция Корнуэлл
© 1994, ОЛМА-ПРЕСС
© перевод Ручкина Л., Юшицина Л.
All That Remains
Cornwell, Patricia
© 1992 by Patricia D. Cornwell
Zoya was sitting by her, the folds of her skirt arranged precisely about her, and her little hands clasped on her knees. Uvar Ivanovitch was reposing in the attic on a wide and comfortable divan, known as a 'samo-son' or 'dozer."
Зоя сидела возле нее, аккуратно расправив юбку и сложив на коленях ручки Увар Иванович почивал в мезонине на широком и удобном диване, получившем прозвище "Самосон".
Turgenev, I.S. / On the eveТургенев, И.С. / Накануне
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1976
On the eve
Turgenev, I.S.
© 1st World Library, 2008

Добавить в мой словарь

'skɜːtɪŋСуществительноекайма; край

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.

    плинтус - շրիշակ

    Перевод добавил Armen Karamyan


skirting board
skirting board
skirting board
skirting board
skirting radiator
батарея отопления, находящаяся на уровне плинтуса
бордюрное растение
A-line skirt
юбка покроя "трапеция"
ball-shaped skirt
bustle skirt
юбка с турнюром
clear the skirts of smb
восстановить репутацию
clear the skirts of smb
смыть позорное пятно с
divided skirt
широкие брюки
divided skirt
filter skirt
амплитудно-частотная характеристика фильтра
flared skirt

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)skirting
Past Participle (Participle II)skirted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I skirtwe skirt
you skirtyou skirt
he/she/it skirtsthey skirt
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am skirtingwe are skirting
you are skirtingyou are skirting
he/she/it is skirtingthey are skirting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have skirtedwe have skirted
you have skirtedyou have skirted
he/she/it has skirtedthey have skirted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been skirtingwe have been skirting
you have been skirtingyou have been skirting
he/she/it has been skirtingthey have been skirting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I skirtedwe skirted
you skirtedyou skirted
he/she/it skirtedthey skirted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was skirtingwe were skirting
you were skirtingyou were skirting
he/she/it was skirtingthey were skirting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had skirtedwe had skirted
you had skirtedyou had skirted
he/she/it had skirtedthey had skirted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been skirtingwe had been skirting
you had been skirtingyou had been skirting
he/she/it had been skirtingthey had been skirting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will skirtwe shall/will skirt
you will skirtyou will skirt
he/she/it will skirtthey will skirt
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be skirtingwe shall/will be skirting
you will be skirtingyou will be skirting
he/she/it will be skirtingthey will be skirting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have skirtedwe shall/will have skirted
you will have skirtedyou will have skirted
he/she/it will have skirtedthey will have skirted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been skirtingwe shall/will have been skirting
you will have been skirtingyou will have been skirting
he/she/it will have been skirtingthey will have been skirting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would skirtwe should/would skirt
you would skirtyou would skirt
he/she/it would skirtthey would skirt
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be skirtingwe should/would be skirting
you would be skirtingyou would be skirting
he/she/it would be skirtingthey would be skirting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have skirtedwe should/would have skirted
you would have skirtedyou would have skirted
he/she/it would have skirtedthey would have skirted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been skirtingwe should/would have been skirting
you would have been skirtingyou would have been skirting
he/she/it would have been skirtingthey would have been skirting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am skirtedwe are skirted
you are skirtedyou are skirted
he/she/it is skirtedthey are skirted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being skirtedwe are being skirted
you are being skirtedyou are being skirted
he/she/it is being skirtedthey are being skirted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been skirtedwe have been skirted
you have been skirtedyou have been skirted
he/she/it has been skirtedthey have been skirted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was skirtedwe were skirted
you were skirtedyou were skirted
he/she/it was skirtedthey were skirted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being skirtedwe were being skirted
you were being skirtedyou were being skirted
he/she/it was being skirtedthey were being skirted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been skirtedwe had been skirted
you had been skirtedyou had been skirted
he/she/it had been skirtedthey had been skirted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be skirtedwe shall/will be skirted
you will be skirtedyou will be skirted
he/she/it will be skirtedthey will be skirted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been skirtedwe shall/will have been skirted
you will have been skirtedyou will have been skirted
he/she/it will have been skirtedthey will have been skirted


Common caseskirtingskirtings
Possessive caseskirting'sskirtings'