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    1. ['kɔnsɔːt] брит. / амер.


      1. супруг, супруга (обычно о королевской семье)

      2. мор. корабль сопровождения

      3. уст. самка; самец (о животных)

    2. [kən'sɔːt]


      1. общаться; водить компанию

      2. уст. быть супругом, супругой

      3. уст. жениться

      4. иметь сексуальные отношения

    1. ['kɔnsɔːt] брит. / амер.


      1. (вокально-)инструментальный ансамбль (исполняющий, в основном, музыку эпохи Ренессанса и барокко)

      2. согласованность

      3. уст. гармония (голосов, музыкальных инструментов)

    2. [kən'sɔːt]


      (consort with) гармонировать, согласовываться, соответствовать

Law (En-Ru)


супруг(а) (преим. коронованной особы)

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Examples from texts

Entering into agreement restricting competition, or participating in consorted actions that restrict competition
Заключение ограничивающего конкуренцию соглашения или осуществление ограничивающих конкуренцию согласованных действий
' The young man went away wondering what sort of broken-down waif this might be who talked like a gentleman and consorted with Greek muleteers.
— И молодой офицер удалился, дивясь, что это за опустившийся человек, который говорит, как настоящий джентльмен, и вместе с тем якшается со всякими погонщиками мулов.
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / The Light That FailedКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / Свет погас
Свет погас
Киплинг, Джозеф Редьярд
© "Издательство П. П. Сойкина", 1915
The Light That Failed
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
© 2011 by Victorian Secrets
Those soft-hearted women, the two elder ladies of the Lambert family, with whom he mainly consorted, had an untiring pity and kindness for Harry, such as women only - and only a few of those - can give.
Обе старшие дамы семейства Ламберт, эти мягкосердечные существа, с которыми преимущественно общался Гарри, были исполнены такой бесконечной доброты и сочувствия к нему, на какую способны только женщины - и притом только немногие из них.
Thackeray, William Makepeace / The VirginiansТеккерей, Уильям Мейкпис / Виргинцы. Том 2
Виргинцы. Том 2
Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис
© Издательство "Правда", 1961
The Virginians
Thackeray, William Makepeace
There are many on the Council who know full well that you have consorted with the powers of darkness.
В Совете есть много таких, кому хорошо известно, что ты якшаешься с силами Тьмы.
Butcher, Jim / Storm FrontБатчер, Джим / Гроза из Преисподней
Гроза из Преисподней
Батчер, Джим
© Jim Butcher, 2000
© Перевод Н.К. Кудряшев, 2006
© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers, 2010
Storm Front
Butcher, Jim
© Jim Butcher, 2000
They were, perhaps, a different breed from the women with whom he usually consorted. They were quite possibly made of sterner stuff.
Вероятно, это какая-то особая порода с очень суровым характером, отличная от женщин, к обществу которых он привык.
Balogh, Mary / Simply MagicБэлоу, Мэри / Просто волшебство
Просто волшебство
Бэлоу, Мэри
Simply Magic
Balogh, Mary
© 2007 by Mary Balogh
Perhaps people will scarcely believe me when I tell them what were the dearest, most constant, objects of my reflections during my boyhood, so little did those objects consort with my age and position.
Едва ли мне поверят, какие были любимейшие и постояннейшие предметы моих размышлений во время моего отрочества, - так как были несообразны с моим возрастом и положением.
Толстой, Л.Н. / ОтрочествоTolstoy, Leo / Boyhood
Tolstoy, Leo
© Arc Manor 2008
Толстой, Л.Н.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1960
I became aware that I did not desire to be the consort of a legend.
Я осознала, что у меня нет никакого желания становиться супругой легендарной личности».
Duane, Diane / Spock's WorldДуэйн, Диана / Мир Спока
Мир Спока
Дуэйн, Диана
Spock's World
Duane, Diane
© 1988 Paramount Pictures
He would not consort with a creature of darkness.'
Он не будет вступать в союз с сатанинскими силами.
Eddings, David / The Ruby KnightЭддингс, Дэвид / Рубиновый рыцарь
Рубиновый рыцарь
Эддингс, Дэвид
The Ruby Knight
Eddings, David
© 1990 by David Eddings
Those consorts were easy targets for the hunter-killers, for they lacked the CLEs' point defense batteries, but that had been anticipated.
Поэтому две трети крейсеров противоракетной обороны остались в тылу, а остальные двинулись вперед, прикрывая легкие крейсера более уязвимых типов, которые могли оказаться легкой добычей для спутников-истребителей. Пока все шло по плану.
Weber, David,White, Steve / In Death GroundВебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив / Земля смерти
Земля смерти
Вебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив
In Death Ground
Weber, David,White, Steve
© 1997 by David Weber & Steve White
She flew above the doomed American fleet while the Prince by wireless telegraphy directed the movements of her consorts.
Он летел над обреченной американской эскадрой, и принц отдавал приказания другим кораблям по беспроволочному телеграфу.
Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухе
Война в воздухе
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
The war in the air
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
Aimery, who was also granted a crown by the western emperor, became king-consort of Jerusalem in 1197 when he married the heiress to the throne, Isabella I.
Император возложил на Эмери корону, а в 1197 году, женившись на наследнице иерусалимского престола Изабелле I, Эмери стал королем-консортом Иерусалима.
Райли-Смит, Джонатан / История крестовых походовRiley-Smith, Jonathan / The Oxford History of the Crusades
The Oxford History of the Crusades
Riley-Smith, Jonathan
© Oxford University Press 1999
История крестовых походов
Райли-Смит, Джонатан
© Охford University Press 1995
© КРОН-ПРЕСС, 1998
© Перевод, Е. Дорман, 1998
"Even had I the inclination to consort with criminals, who I meet with outside the Guild is my own business, unless you can prove I conspired in a crime.
— Даже если бы у меня была склонность к контактам с криминальным миром, то с кем я встречаюсь за пределами гильдии — это исключительно мое дело, пока вы не сможете доказать, что я совершил какое-либо преступление.
Feist, Raymond / Krondor:Tear of the GodsФэйст, Раймонд / Слеза богов Крондора
Слеза богов Крондора
Фэйст, Раймонд
Krondor:Tear of the Gods
Feist, Raymond
© 2000 by Raymond E. Feist
He had turned away her bid to be a consort, but had accepted her as a counselor.
Он отверг ее предложение взять ее в жены, но принял ее как советника.
Card, Orson Scott / Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher ColumbusКард, Орсон Скот / Искупление Христофора Колумба
Искупление Христофора Колумба
Кард, Орсон Скот
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
Card, Orson Scott
© 1996 by Orson Scott Card
One day his imperial majesty, being informed of my way of living, desired "that himself and his royal consort, with the young princes of the blood of both sexes, might have the happiness," as he was pleased to call it, "of dining with me."
Его величество, наслышавшись о моем образе жизни, заявил однажды, что он будет счастлив (так было угодно ему выразиться) отобедать со мною, в сопровождении августейшей супруги и молодых принцев и принцесс.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
Don't be alarmed, he is as deaf as a post, and did not hear a word that you said; and that's why my lord will play with anybody who will put a pack of cards before him, and that is the reason why he consorts with this rogue."
Не тревожьтесь - он глух как пень и не слышал ни одного вашего слова: вот почему милорд будет играть с любым, кто положит перед ним колоду карт, и вот почему он не брезгует обществом этого мошенника.
Thackeray, William Makepeace / The VirginiansТеккерей, Уильям Мейкпис / Виргинцы. Том 1
Виргинцы. Том 1
Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис
© Издательство "Правда", 1961
The Virginians
Thackeray, William Makepeace

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prince consort
consort with stream
обеспечивать устойчивость в потоке
consort related
брачная связь

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)consorting
Past Participle (Participle II)consorted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I consortwe consort
you consortyou consort
he/she/it consortsthey consort
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am consortingwe are consorting
you are consortingyou are consorting
he/she/it is consortingthey are consorting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have consortedwe have consorted
you have consortedyou have consorted
he/she/it has consortedthey have consorted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been consortingwe have been consorting
you have been consortingyou have been consorting
he/she/it has been consortingthey have been consorting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I consortedwe consorted
you consortedyou consorted
he/she/it consortedthey consorted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was consortingwe were consorting
you were consortingyou were consorting
he/she/it was consortingthey were consorting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had consortedwe had consorted
you had consortedyou had consorted
he/she/it had consortedthey had consorted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been consortingwe had been consorting
you had been consortingyou had been consorting
he/she/it had been consortingthey had been consorting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will consortwe shall/will consort
you will consortyou will consort
he/she/it will consortthey will consort
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be consortingwe shall/will be consorting
you will be consortingyou will be consorting
he/she/it will be consortingthey will be consorting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have consortedwe shall/will have consorted
you will have consortedyou will have consorted
he/she/it will have consortedthey will have consorted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been consortingwe shall/will have been consorting
you will have been consortingyou will have been consorting
he/she/it will have been consortingthey will have been consorting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would consortwe should/would consort
you would consortyou would consort
he/she/it would consortthey would consort
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be consortingwe should/would be consorting
you would be consortingyou would be consorting
he/she/it would be consortingthey would be consorting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have consortedwe should/would have consorted
you would have consortedyou would have consorted
he/she/it would have consortedthey would have consorted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been consortingwe should/would have been consorting
you would have been consortingyou would have been consorting
he/she/it would have been consortingthey would have been consorting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am consortedwe are consorted
you are consortedyou are consorted
he/she/it is consortedthey are consorted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being consortedwe are being consorted
you are being consortedyou are being consorted
he/she/it is being consortedthey are being consorted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been consortedwe have been consorted
you have been consortedyou have been consorted
he/she/it has been consortedthey have been consorted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was consortedwe were consorted
you were consortedyou were consorted
he/she/it was consortedthey were consorted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being consortedwe were being consorted
you were being consortedyou were being consorted
he/she/it was being consortedthey were being consorted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been consortedwe had been consorted
you had been consortedyou had been consorted
he/she/it had been consortedthey had been consorted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be consortedwe shall/will be consorted
you will be consortedyou will be consorted
he/she/it will be consortedthey will be consorted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been consortedwe shall/will have been consorted
you will have been consortedyou will have been consorted
he/she/it will have been consortedthey will have been consorted