suspension of disbelief
User translations (1)
- 1.
эстетическая теория "приостановки неверия" - намеренная/добровольная приостановка неверия/ сомнений (добровольная временная блокировка /отсрочка применения/ своих критических способностей)
Suspension of disbelief - or willing suspension of disbelief is an aesthetic theory intended to characterize people's relationships to art. It was coined by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1817… People's acceptance, for the sake of appreciation of art (including literature and the like), of what they know to be a nonfactual premise of the work of art. In science fiction films, suspension of disbelief is essential. /Wiktionary
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Translator's comment
Это эстетическая теория, призванная охарактеризовать отношения людей к искусству. Придумана поэтом и философом Сэмюэлем Тейлором Кольриджем в 1817 году.
- Meaning Wilful act of deferral of one's critical faculties. Originated in critical notices of theatrical events, where the audience joins in believing in the unbelievable to further the aims of the play … /Meaning and origin of phrases
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