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Marianna Angie

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

working my ass off

отрываю задницу на работе

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

reach an agreement

прийти к соглашению

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

put a spoke in sb's wheel

вставлять палки в колёса

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

to put someone on a pedestal

возвеличивать кого-л.

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

leave no stone unturned

сделать все возможное

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

holiday entitlement

право на отпуск

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

the odds are high

вполне вероятно

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-en)

first port of call

The first place where one stops to visit, accomplish something, or begin a process. Taken from nautical terminology, referring to the first port that a seafaring vessel calls in to at the beginning of a voyage.

Translator's comment

The president's first port of call on his re-election campaign will be his hometown. If your passport is lost while traveling abroad, your first port of call should be your home country's consulate or embassy. Paris will be our first port of call on our trip through Europe.

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

You are strictly on Cokes until the evening.

Сегодня до вечера ты не будешь употреблять алкоголя.

Marianna Angieadded translation 8 years ago
translation (en-ru)

a long standing joke

"бородатый" анекдот (шутка)

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