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Mikhail Petrov

Knows Russian.Studies English.
Mikhail Petrovadded translation a year ago
translation (en-ru)




They should add RAP on here as a different language (which I certainly don't speak!). Just a symptom of the general stupification of the world's youth.

Example translation

Тут надо добавить РЭП как еще один язык (на котором я точно не говорю!). Это просто какой-то признак всеобщего отупения молодежи в мире.

Translator's comment

The state or feeling of being stupefied.

#Arts and culture
Mikhail Petrovadded translation 2 years ago
translation (ru-en)

альтовый ключ

alto clef

Translator's comment


#Arts and culture
Mikhail Petrovanswered 2 years ago
answer (ru-en)

сборник научных трудов

collection of scientific papers

Mikhail Petrovanswered 3 years ago
answer (ru-en)


to flirt (with), have an affair (with)

Translator's comment

Ист. Oxford

Mikhail Petrovanswered 4 years ago
answer (en-ru)

freeze-dried instant coffee

сублимированный растворимый кофе

Translator's comment

полученный методом сублимационной сушки

Mikhail Petrovanswered 4 years ago
answer (en-ru)

lip sync

синхронное озвучивание

Mikhail Petrovanswered 4 years ago
answer (en-ru)

Loch Ness Monster

Лох-несское чудовище (Несси)

Mikhail Petrovanswered 5 years ago
answer (en-ru)



Mikhail Petrovanswered 5 years ago
answer (ru-en)



Mikhail Petrovanswered 5 years ago
answer (en-ru)



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