On Halloween, kids go trick-or-treating. They knock o doors. They say, "Trick or treat!"
They get candy and chocolates.
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На Хэллоуин дети ходят калядовать. Они стучат в двери и говорят:" сладость или гадось". Они получают конфеты и шоколад.
translation added by Юлия Sun

On Halloween, kids carve jack- o'- lanterns. Some kids carve happy faces. Some kids carve spooky faces.
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На Хэллоуин дети вырезают фонари Джека. Некоторые вырезают счастливые лица. Некоторые вырезают жуткие лица
translation added by Юлия Sun

On Halloween, kids dress up in costimes. They dress up as witches and ghosts. They dress up as pirates and crowns. Some kids wear masks. Some kids wear makeup.
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Kids are excited. They are pitting on costumes. They are getting ready for Halloween night. What happens on Halloween?
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* * *
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru

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как будет на английском
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translation added by Ириша Каплун