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  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.


[həu] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. тяпка, мотыга

    2. ковш экскаватора

  2. гл.

    1. мотыжить, разрыхлять (землю)

    2. выпалывать мотыгой (сорняки)

AmericanEnglish (En-Ru)


мотыга ж

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тематические словари

Примеры из текстов

The conversation flowed none too easily and I should have found it a difficult row to hoe if it hadn't been for Isabel.
Разговор не очень-то клеился, и мне пришлось бы нелегко, если б не Изабелла.
Maugham, William Somerset / The Razor's EdgeМоэм, Уильям Сомерсет / Острие бритвы
Острие бритвы
Моэм, Уильям Сомерсет
© Перевод. М. Лорие 2010
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2010
The Razor's Edge
Maugham, William Somerset
© 1943, 1944 by McCallllCorporation
© 1944 by W. Somerset Maugham
© renewed 1971, 1972 by Elizabeth Mary Lady Glendevon
Soundlessly he slipped away from the barn, toward the forest, gripping the hoe handle so hard that his hands hurt.
- Беззвучно он скользнул от сарая к лесу, сжимая ручку от мотыги так, что ныли пальцы.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
As I drew a still fresher soil about the rows with my hoe, I disturbed the ashes of unchronicled nations who in primeval years lived under these heavens, and their small implements of war and hunting were brought to the light of this modern day.
Подгребая мотыгой землю вдоль своих гряд, я тревожил прах неизвестных племен, некогда живших под нашим небом, и извлекал на свет их немудреные орудия войны и охоты.
Thoreau, Henry David / WaldenТоро, Генри Дэвид / Уолден
Торо, Генри Дэвид
© Издательство Академии Наук СССР, 1962
Thoreau, Henry David
© 2008 Megalodon Entertainment LLC.
The weeds, with a holiday energy, free of fear of the hoe, grew as large as small trees.
Сорняки, забывшие, что такое мотыга, вымахали выше кустов.
Steinbeck, John / The Pastures of HeavenСтейнбек, Джон / Райские пастбища
Райские пастбища
Стейнбек, Джон
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
The Pastures of Heaven
Steinbeck, John
© John Stainbeck, 1932
© renewed John Steinbeck, 1960
We would not deal with a man thus plodding ever, leaning on a hoe or a spade as a staff between his work, not as a mushroom, but partially risen out of the earth, something more than erect, like swallows alighted and walking on the ground:-
Как хорошо было бы, если бы человек не гнул вечно спину над лопатой или мотыгой, не врастал в землю, как гриб, а легко стоял на ней, точно ласточка, присевшая отдохнуть:
Thoreau, Henry David / WaldenТоро, Генри Дэвид / Уолден
Торо, Генри Дэвид
© Издательство Академии Наук СССР, 1962
Thoreau, Henry David
© 2008 Megalodon Entertainment LLC.
He kneeled between the rows of vines and dug among the berry roots with a hoe.
Он опустился на колени между двумя шпалерами и тяпкой разрыхлял землю.
Steinbeck, John / The Pastures of HeavenСтейнбек, Джон / Райские пастбища
Райские пастбища
Стейнбек, Джон
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
The Pastures of Heaven
Steinbeck, John
© John Stainbeck, 1932
© renewed John Steinbeck, 1960
Fatso hit him across the bridge of the nose with the head of the grub hoe handle.
Толстомордый ударил его концом палки в переносицу.
Jones, James / From Here to EternityДжонс, Джеймс / Отныне и вовек
Отныне и вовек
Джонс, Джеймс
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
From Here to Eternity
Jones, James
© 1951 by James Jones
© renewed 1991 by Gloria Jones, James Anthony Phillipe Jones, and Kaylie Anne Jones
Услышав его, монах громко засмеялся, бросил на землю мотыгу и поспешил к храму.
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / Hyakuo - the Everest of ZenОшо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Хякудзё - Эверест Дзен
Хякудзё - Эверест Дзен
Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш
Hyakuo - the Everest of Zen
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
Как раз в тот момент, как один из монахов поднял свою мотыгу, до его слуха донесся удар барабана, созывающего монахов на обед.
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / Hyakuo - the Everest of ZenОшо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Хякудзё - Эверест Дзен
Хякудзё - Эверест Дзен
Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш
Hyakuo - the Everest of Zen
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
There's many a man hoeing tobacco over-seas that should be mounting his horse at his own door at home; many and many!
Много их мотыжит табак за океаном, кому жить бы на родине господами в собственном дому - ох, много!
Stevenson, Robert Louis / KidnappedСтивенсон, Роберт Луис / Похищенный
Стивенсон, Роберт Луис
© Издательство "Правда", 1967
Stevenson, Robert Louis
© 1909, by The Macmillan Company
In the rear there was the dim outline of a garden, which had been planted but had never received its first hoeing, owing to those terrible shaking fits, though it was now harvest time.
За домом смутно виднелся сад, который хозяин посадил, но ни разу не мотыжил из-за страшных приступов лихорадки, хотя пришло уже время сбора.
Thoreau, Henry David / WaldenТоро, Генри Дэвид / Уолден
Торо, Генри Дэвид
© Издательство Академии Наук СССР, 1962
Thoreau, Henry David
© 2008 Megalodon Entertainment LLC.
Boiling out of the gate behind them came a cloud of goblins, armed with clubs, with hoes, with pitchforks, apparently with anything they could lay their hands upon.
Из ворот замка выплеснулась кипящая волна гоблинов, которые размахивали дубинками, мотыгами, вилами – короче говоря, всем, что подвернулось им под руку.
Simak, Clifford D. / The Goblin ReservationСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Заповедник гоблинов
Заповедник гоблинов
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
© Перевод, И. Гурова, 2005
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2007
The Goblin Reservation
Simak, Clifford D.
© 1968 by Clifford D. Simak
I mean, he did not wear it when he was digging, or hoeing, but..."
Я имею в виду, он не носил меч, когда копал грядки, или возделывал огород, но...
Duncan, Dave / Coming of WisdomДункан, Дэйв / Обретение мудрости
Обретение мудрости
Дункан, Дэйв
Coming of Wisdom
Duncan, Dave
© 1988 by D. J. Duncan
It was no longer beans that I hoed, nor I that hoed beans; and I remembered with as much pity as pride, if I remembered at all, my acquaintances who had gone to the city to attend the oratorios.
Это уже не было простым опалыванием бобов; и я вспоминал с гордостью и сожалением, если вспоминал вообще, своих знакомых, которые отправились в город слушать оратории.
Thoreau, Henry David / WaldenТоро, Генри Дэвид / Уолден
Торо, Генри Дэвид
© Издательство Академии Наук СССР, 1962
Thoreau, Henry David
© 2008 Megalodon Entertainment LLC.

Добавить в мой словарь

həuСуществительноетяпка; мотыга

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.

    тяпка, мотыга, в амер. сленге: телка, девушка легкого поведения.

    Перевод добавил Stephen Swartz
  2. 2.


    Перевод добавил vadimbelyaev@gmail.com


adz hoe
A-hoe blade
стрельчатая лапа
grubbing hoe
horse hoe
конный пропашник
двузубая мотыга
rotary disk hoe
дисковая почвенная фреза
trench hoe
одноковшовый траншейный экскаватор
trench hoe
экскаватор типа "обратная лопата"
back hoe
обратная лопата
hoe-type scraper
гребковый скрепер
thinner hoe
back hoe
экскаватор типа обратная лопата

Формы слова


Common casehoehoes
Possessive casehoe'shoes'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)hoeing
Past Participle (Participle II)hoed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I hoewe hoe
you hoeyou hoe
he/she/it hoesthey hoe
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am hoeingwe are hoeing
you are hoeingyou are hoeing
he/she/it is hoeingthey are hoeing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have hoedwe have hoed
you have hoedyou have hoed
he/she/it has hoedthey have hoed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been hoeingwe have been hoeing
you have been hoeingyou have been hoeing
he/she/it has been hoeingthey have been hoeing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I hoedwe hoed
you hoedyou hoed
he/she/it hoedthey hoed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was hoeingwe were hoeing
you were hoeingyou were hoeing
he/she/it was hoeingthey were hoeing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had hoedwe had hoed
you had hoedyou had hoed
he/she/it had hoedthey had hoed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been hoeingwe had been hoeing
you had been hoeingyou had been hoeing
he/she/it had been hoeingthey had been hoeing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will hoewe shall/will hoe
you will hoeyou will hoe
he/she/it will hoethey will hoe
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be hoeingwe shall/will be hoeing
you will be hoeingyou will be hoeing
he/she/it will be hoeingthey will be hoeing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have hoedwe shall/will have hoed
you will have hoedyou will have hoed
he/she/it will have hoedthey will have hoed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been hoeingwe shall/will have been hoeing
you will have been hoeingyou will have been hoeing
he/she/it will have been hoeingthey will have been hoeing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would hoewe should/would hoe
you would hoeyou would hoe
he/she/it would hoethey would hoe
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be hoeingwe should/would be hoeing
you would be hoeingyou would be hoeing
he/she/it would be hoeingthey would be hoeing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have hoedwe should/would have hoed
you would have hoedyou would have hoed
he/she/it would have hoedthey would have hoed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been hoeingwe should/would have been hoeing
you would have been hoeingyou would have been hoeing
he/she/it would have been hoeingthey would have been hoeing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am hoedwe are hoed
you are hoedyou are hoed
he/she/it is hoedthey are hoed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being hoedwe are being hoed
you are being hoedyou are being hoed
he/she/it is being hoedthey are being hoed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been hoedwe have been hoed
you have been hoedyou have been hoed
he/she/it has been hoedthey have been hoed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was hoedwe were hoed
you were hoedyou were hoed
he/she/it was hoedthey were hoed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being hoedwe were being hoed
you were being hoedyou were being hoed
he/she/it was being hoedthey were being hoed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been hoedwe had been hoed
you had been hoedyou had been hoed
he/she/it had been hoedthey had been hoed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be hoedwe shall/will be hoed
you will be hoedyou will be hoed
he/she/it will be hoedthey will be hoed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been hoedwe shall/will have been hoed
you will have been hoedyou will have been hoed
he/she/it will have been hoedthey will have been hoed