The stamp in her passport didn't prevent her to seduce men at all.
Наличие штампа в паспорте нисколько не мешало ей соблазнять мужчин.
User translations (4)
- 1.
The fact that she was a married woman did little to stop her from being a seductress of other men.
translation added by ⦿ ULYGold ru-en4 - 2.
The ring on her finger was no obstacle to her coming on to any man she desired.
translation added by ⦿ ULYGold ru-en3 - 3.
The fact that she was married in no wise kept her from seducing any man who caught her fancy.
translation added by ⦿ ULYGold ru-en3 - 4.
The ring on her finger said "married", but her ass said "Let's go!" to anything with a penis and pulse.
translation added by ⦿ ULYGold ru-en3
Discussion (47)
(?) Наверное, наличие не нужно говорить в английском?
Existence of the stamp in her passport means she was married woman. That's all about Mrs. Ezhova, the wife of the member in the Soviet government. She committed suicide. after her husband gave her a sign, like he has bad news for their family. Really interesting story.
Очень страшный период в советской истории.
prevent her FROM sedusing,, но смысл prevent - предотвращать
лучше stop (?)
grumbler, thank you!
I don’t understand what the stamp has to do with anything. Normally, it just tells where you’ve been. What does that have to do with seducing men? 
The stamp says that one is married and whom and when they are married to.
Where you've been - this is FOREIGN passport, not internal. The latter is is your internal ID with some extra information like marital status and nominal residence address.
In that case, I wouldn’t call it a passport. It sounds more like your papers or your personal ID.  
it IS called 'passport'
It’s called a passport in Russia, but in English, if you use that word, the reader will only imagine an international travel pass.
ETA: In Stalin's USSA, when Ezhov lived, very few people had foreign passports. Those who had a passport, had only an internal one.
That’s an explanation. Are you going to put that in parentheses after “passport” in this translation? 
Grumbler, listen, very carefully… In the king’s English, if you use the word passport without any such explanation about its particular use in Russia, the average reader is going to infer that you’re talking about an international passport like I did when I first read this. 
Ули ковбой)))
Если из контекста уже ясно, что речь идет о России, то и слово passport должно быть понятно или должна быть сноска с пояснением
У вас такая штука вместо паспорта?
I don’t understand what the stamp has to do with anything. Normally, it just tells where you’ve been. What does that have to do with seducing men?
"Штамп в паспорте" -- это идиома, означающая статус замужней женщины
Можно заменить ее даже простым "being married"
Even being married didn't stop her from seducing men in the least.
>"Штамп в паспорте" -- это идиома, означающая статус замужней женщины.
This should have been the first response to me. It clarifies everything!
Штамп в паспорте о том что женщина замужем предполагает, что она будет вести себя как минимум порядочно по отношению к мужу. Жена Ежова была очень бойкой: в 17 лет она вышла замуж в первый раз, в 20 лет она уже была замужем за наркомом Ежовым, в между этим был ещё один брак.)
Штамп в паспорте можно легко заменить на брак в моём вопросе или на статус замужней женщины.
Больше интересует "нисколько не мешал".
Улий, твое фото просто отличное, как голливудский актёр!)
Распечатать фото, повесить в рамку на стену, и всем говорить, что тебя приглашали сниматься в кино, но ты отказался)))
The fact that she was married by no means prevented her from seducing other men(??)
Her married status didn’t in the least stopped her from seducing other men(??)
…trying to seduce…(?)
Tatiana, thank you!
Валерий, thank you for your attempt too.
У меня не аттемпт, а вполне нормальный перевод 😄
Thank you, Uly! Thank you all!
Думала, меня уже ничем не удивишь. Но нет, переводы Uly не перестают удивлять😀🙏
Ну дайте и я тоже свои пять копеек вставлю: it was not an issue at all for her to hit on/flirt with men despite her married status.
Ваши 5 копеек принимаются)
Andrey, better “It was NO PROBLEM at all…”
No doubt about it, Sir
You should post it.
But what's wrong with 'not an issue at all'?
Look at the Ngram. It’s not wrong, it’s just not as good as I “no problem at all.”
Issue is normally used when something bothers you. “I have an issue with you talking on your phone all the time at work.“ “I have no issue with you going out with my daughter as long as you have her home by 11.“